In a last-ditch effort to find a girlfriend, socially inept Sean (Manny De León) hires pretentious playboy Kenny (Devon Suboreau) for a perverted pick-up session at the local dive. After a shot or two, they feast their eyes on the stunning Caroline (Ducky Suboreau) and select her as their target. With the assistance of clandestine technology, Sean secretly gets a first-person-view of Kenny's every move on Caroline, eventually leading him to follow the flirtatious pair to Caroline's colorful home. There, Caroline treats Kenny to a ritual she's perfected over many years - an activity neither man expects. Danny is a short film that explores the predatory tendencies of the human psyche, the scars that tragedy creates, and will leave you intrigued, disgusted, shocked, and satisfied.
Danny is not available for streaming at this moment.