EVERYBODY TRIES TOO HARD TO BE SOMETHING. Everyday, we wrestle with the dilemma of existence. Does it matter? What is it all for? These are questions we ask ourselves on the daily. The fear of being forgotten is so instilled into our beings, leading us to do anything and everything to make sure that we’re immortalized in some way. At least, that’s how some of us feel. Not everybody wants to be different. Not everybody wants to be known. Not everybody wants to last. Some of us prefer to remember. ‘KILALA’ is an Ogtonganon-Ilonggo short film that takes this year’s theme of ‘50’ and dives into the metaphorical symbolism of the number rather than the literal of counting. The film is about a boy grappling with idea of simply being. We see his journey of acceptance of his own disinterest and his realization of the fact that he can be whatever he wants to be even if it’s the unextraordinary.
Kilala is not available for streaming at this moment.