The Future ... Is Just Like You Imagined is a short experimental animation film that explores two distinct dystopian futures through the lens of our internet and pop culture imaginarium. It assembles an extensive collection of visual tropes and clichés to depict a grim vision ruled by totalitarian systems of control, coercion and oppression. From brutal autocratic dictatorships to decaying cyberpunk megacities, familiar imagery warns of a self-fulfilling prophecy that may be upon us. The future... is just like you imagined is a part of the multi-year project SND (Spoznavanje narave in družbe, or Studies of Nature and Society) by visual artist Sara Bezovšek in which she reappropriates internet and pop culture references using a dense visual language in order to construct narratives that are both a critique and a celebration of the highly saturated online media landscapes we navigate daily.
The Future ... Is Just Like You Imagined is not available for streaming at this moment.