Kopf Faust Fahne – Perspektiven auf das Thälmanndenkmal

Kopf Faust Fahne – Perspektiven auf das Thälmanndenkmal (2021)

For technical reasons – too massive! – this 50-ton bronze colossus was not demolished in 1993. Today it is listed as a historical monument, along with the associated housing estate. A relic from the old days: Today, the raised fist of the former German Communist Party leader and erstwhile GDR hero Ernst Thälmann in the Prenzlauer Berg park defies the collective forgetting of a not-so-long-ago past instead of heralding the victory of communism.

  • Release Date: 2021-10-27
  • Runtime: 0h 47min
  • Director: Betina Kuntzsch

Where to Watch Kopf Faust Fahne – Perspektiven auf das Thälmanndenkmal Online

Kopf Faust Fahne – Perspektiven auf das Thälmanndenkmal is not available for streaming at this moment.
