In a bid for redemption, an Ex-Special Forces security guard attempts to save the life of a woman who is being hunted by a corrupt police death squad working for a drug cartel.
John's peaceful life with daughter Khushi is disrupted by a sex-trafficking gang. Revealing his past as DCP Satya, he seeks revenge for his family's murder, saving minor girls and punishing the criminals, before starting anew.
When a young girl being raised by a single father loses him to gang violence she turns to law enforcement but they are no help. She tries to take the law into her own hands and finds out being a vigilante
Barroz has been protecting D' Gama's treasure for 400 years and has been entrusted to hand over the treasure to a true descendant of D' Gama. One day, a boy comes in search of Barroz, claiming that he is a descendant of Vasco da Gama. Barroz sets on a journey to find out the boy's true ancestors and history.
After killing the orchestrator, five years pass, then when a mercenary crosses into his territory, Jayden Ritchie is forced to take a reckless way out for one last adventure.
In 1909, several years after Korea is forced into becoming a Japanese colony, freedom fighters plot the daring assassination of Japan's prime minister during their quest for independence.
After an alien lands in the town park, the government sends out their super soldier, Don Von Blinski to prevent the alien from spreading ideas to the public.
A decades spanning mystery commencing in 1945 after the mysterious deaths of Adolf Hitler and Subhash Chandra Bose, and culminating in 2022 at the height of the Russo-Ukrainian War.
A corrupt man brings the dead bodies to become evil robots. One didn’t want to be raised as an evil machine, so he goes rogue and he goes to find the truth
After hearing Adu Du's story, BoBoiBoy Gentar agrees to help him save Probe. A frightened BoBoiBoy tries to recklessly engage in battle, but is forced to flee by Gopal and Qually. After a fierce chase, Gentar and the others are locked up.
Danny Rodman is a high school kid who finds a device that can bring any fictional character to life. But will he see how chaotic it is to have them all at once?
In the sequel to the parody trailer, Nick Donner is back and bigger than before. Exhausted by his career as both a rank-climbing law enforcer and the icon of the holidays, Donner sweeps numerous criminal chases under the rug with intents of lightening his doubled work load. When the crime rate - and, by extension, the notorious naughty list - boil to the surface, the action explodes as Donner takes on the corrupted police force and his iron-fisted business affiliates!
Cold Fuzz is an lego animated shortfilm created by NickCraftNL, it's a parody of "Hot Fuzz" Rick has been framed for the murder of Ernie who died the same night Rick was out drinking. Nick and Tim don't believe what the police is claiming and try to solve who actually committed the murder.