2315. Humanity was defeated at the end of the war, refusing to coexist with machines with intelligence born from a certain accident, "Machine Intelligence". Driven from the ground, they hid in large shelters. Hundreds of years later. The nation has lost its form, some vigilante groups such as the "Security Forces" are in control of the people and facilities, and humanity, who has stopped even counting the calendar, has only surrendered itself to gradual destruction. 2824, a blind girl who once fought as a soldier of the Security Forces, "Tenshu Mikoto" is an engineer girl who manipulates the Security Forces Organoid Organoid, 13th Generation Cradle--F/V-10 Honet-C. Along with Noriko, she earns a living by salvaging and repairing machines and batteries in the discarded section as an outcast "Outer" who does not belong to any community.
On a quiet February morning in 1942, weeks after the Japanese occupied Singapore, a young Chinese boy accompanies his father on a walk from their home to a mass screening centre. Accompanied by a sombre score, the animated film is a melancholic reflection on the systemic purge of local Chinese by the Japanese military known as Sook Ching and meditates on the historical trauma.
In the courtroom, a trial is in progress with you, an AI, as the defendant. You are being charged for killing a fellow submarine crew when the vessel was trapped in an undersea volcano and had run out of food.
You drift through outer space with your buddy and end up in an abandoned interstellar town. The remaining residents of this town live without gravity nor contact with the rest of the universe. You get separated from your buddy, but the townspeople give you little clue as to his whereabouts. Who is your buddy, exactly?
She wonders when she started thinking that she was only a convenient tool for someone else. The protagonist finds herself rattled because of some minor occurrences in her daily life.
Bird poo fell in love with the hill but the hill is taken away high above the clouds. Poo is devastated. But then, a triangular telescope falls from the sky and it's showing what the hill is seeing.
In the woods is a company where animals work. One worker, the chameleon, is hurt by the ridicule from his colleagues. Can they come to understand each other?
The hand is born into the universe, which in turn creates new universes and more hands. New lives and worlds are created with these hands and universes, which proliferate as they continually conflict and harmonize with each other.
I try to remember what your hand felt like on my back when I was a child. And now I place my hand on yours, bent from pain. Like landscaped gardens are meant to evoke the four seasons and the cyclical wonders of nature, I gaze at you, hoping to find us one more time.
One cold and damp morning, two weasels were wandering the quiet streets. They get separated at one point but are reunited. Just then, bells and alarms began to ring through the city, and dawn came.
A man is walking along the beach. Then a demon, the man’s pain, appears and chases him. The pain is unbearable, coursing through his entire body. He somehow manages to get away, but eventually, he returns to the ocean even though he knows that the demon will appear again if he goes there.
Hanako always watches the other kids play but she is too timid to ask if she can join in. Then one day, Booger Gal rockets out of her and helps her nose into a new life.
A story of a family of three consisting of a pig, fish and a tadpole that lives in the stomach of a big fish. Their lives are turned upside down when a fruit floats into their home.
The elderly at the nursing home have their heads shaved. The protagonist who works there sees them but can't read their expressions. However, from one instance, he finds himself looking closely at their faces.
Even though I feel like I'm living in the now, here, I think I just end up being in nowhere all the time. And in the nowhere, I find the now and the here.