Everything started with a utopia. To end the antagonism between the oppressors and the oppressed, between the owners and the own-nothings. To create a society that would be truly free, equal and solidaric.
Geumjeonggul in Goyang City, South Korea, was built for the purpose of mining gold during Japanese colonial period and was closed. In October 1950, during the Korean War, in Geumjeonggul, the police massacred hundreds of residents of Goyang without any legal procedures, and buried them deep in layers. And 71 years later, the bereaved families are still suffering and struggling in trauma.
Adam is the first astronaut to approach lightspeed. Aboard the spacecraft Myriss, he regularly conducts experiments to analyze the impact of such speed on living organisms, until an exceptional event happens and changes everything.
Experimental animation piece in which surrealism and psychedelia come together to immerse the viewer in a dreamlike journey, where the magical and supernatural transcends the ordinary of everyday life. The creation of life, spirituality and the transformation of the world appear as essential issues in this short film, which is told without following a linear narrative structure.
Omar is a big, soft-bodied circus freak with crab claws for arms. He has always been exploited by Monsieur Jules, a despotic circus director, and has long since resigned himself to his sad fate. But the arrival of Pincette, a mermaid tightrope walker, turns his life upside down, bringing out new feelings in him. Because Omar loves Pincette and Pincette has a crush on him.
Olga and Maurice's parents are vegetables. The two children have tried everything to get them out of their vegetative state. But maybe the solution is... a musical?
A small rubber boot wakes up lost on a river bank. On the initiatory journey it undertakes to find its pair, the encounters it makes will help it to grow.
Omid is an Iranian immigrant who came to France with his family. One evening, in the street, he is attacked and stabbed in the heart. But Omid gets back up! At the hospital, the diagnosis is blunt: he has no heart. Did he leave it behind in Iran?
From the master of all things tactile, Director Conor Finnegan’s ‘Tiptoe & The Flying Machine’ tells the tale of a young blue reindeer who is too nervous to fly but ultimately faces up to her fears with help from her fellow puppet pals.
Airbnb encourages inbound guests to respect local cultures and behave like a local during their stay in Japan. In the film, some existing friendly Airbnb hosts will give you a warm welcome and a fun guide for you to get a taste of the wonderful Japanese culture.