An animated film based on the painting about Max Ernst of the same title, he said that a “fevervision” he had experienced when he was sick with measles as a child inspired him to compose the haunting scene that unfolds in Two Children Are Threatened by a Nightingale. Merging collage and painting, he affixed a wooden gate, parts of a toy house, and a knob to a dreamlike painted landscape. A blue sky dominates the composition, and in it a small nightingale hovers above two young girls. The painting features what would come to be identified as the defining preoccupations of Surrealism, a movement in which Ernst was a central figure: dreams and the unconscious; sexuality (as represented, for example, by the girl’s phallic knife); and incongruous juxtapositions.
Maurizio Sacripanti’s prefab school, designed in 1969 for the town of Molfetta, turns into a deafening film. An animated interpretation of a section of the building: holes, panels and layers of the project transform into a mechanical rhythm, but the sound of a bell alters the logic of the system.
A terrible event unites eight high school students who earn a trip to spend Halloween Night at a camp in the woods. However, strange things begin to happen creating an atmosphere of fear and violence. And then... you decide what happens next; Will they survive?
After Haukur gets magically turned into a girl, her friends must find a way to turn him back into a boy whilst defeating the evil mastermind behind it.
Since the dawn of time, dreams are an inspiration for reflections on the subconscious and work as a gateway to the world of abstract images created based on our thoughts, feelings and experiences. In 'I DREAMED OF' author decided to interpret the dreams of people dear to him and present them in the form of an animated short.
Few things make people as happy as an empty compartment on an overnight train. Then you know that you can spend all night only with your own thoughts in the transient neon light that pierces the darkness violently. A rhythmic clatter helps to enter a trance. Time melts away. The darkness of the night floods the compartment. Let no one sit down.
It's March 21, 1945. You’re a young navigator in the Royal Air Force. You’re flying in formation all headed for the same target: the Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen. But in the critical minutes leading up to the planned attack, a sudden explosion wreaks havoc and disorients you. Should you drop the bombs? And where should you drop them?
Commemorating the 700th anniversary of Dante's death, the film is a reinterpretation of Dante and Beatrice's reunion story, from "Vita Nova" to the three parts of the "Divine Comedy" (Hell, Purgatory and Heaven). Where are we, young people, now? Where should we go? Since 2020, it has become clear that young people are free to choose anything. We can even choose to live or die. The new world is coming. Let's jump into it with love for ourselves and for others.