On September 11, 2001, Vaughn Allex was working the ticket counter at Dulles International Airport. When two men arrived late for their flight, he ran through all of the security measures of the time and let them board. Only later did he learn that they were among the five hijackers responsible for the crash of American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon. Vaughn came to StoryCorps to remember the guilt and shame he experienced following the attacks — and how he eventually found healing.
From found footage and using the natural deterioration, scratches, fungus and noises of the original material, the different layers of sound, music, text and their interaction with the image raise questions about the idea of nation, identity and the passage of time.
The incredible and sad adventures of a man who, submerged in his apathy and sadness, takes the shape of the corner where he leaned for too long. A story of self-improvement and self-discovery in the face of the loss of a loved one: his chair.
The eccentric lesbian icon Joe Carstairs looks back on her adventurous life together with her faithful little companion, Lord Tod Wadley. The story unfolds in a mix of live action and puppet animation.
When a doctor sees her wife going through depression, he comes up with all sorts of ways to cheer her up, but no matter how hard he tries, things just get more complicated.
"69" is an experimental film made from an extensive Super 8 archive filmed by Edmond Conilh de Beyssac, a French aviator. In context, everything was filmed in March of 1969, on a trip to Brazil. The film was transmuted into the idea of Anarchive, a concept created by the philosopher Erin Manning, activated in a process of audiovisual experimentation.
"You know what Kant said? / That if everything went ok at the middle / It will also be alright at the end, / depending over the idea made at the beginning. / And then – as illustration – / went on dancing / a foxtrot." Produced with found-footage in 16mm format, "Foxtrot" is a visual plasticity exercise that deals with bad luck processes.
Slowny are not elephants. They are fairy creatures, who live happily on the shores of the Crystal Sea. Slowny wear white stockings, wear hats (even in bed), adore cocoa, know the art and music. Their name means "slow", because these bizarre personalities are in no hurry. They are some what similar to us, because we are all a bit of the slowny.
Kanau’Kyba means Paths of the Stones in our language Wapichana. We crossed different landscapes that connect the stones of the sky to the stones of the ancestral land. From the many walks on the land stones at Serra da Lua, in Roraima, in the Indigenous Land Canauanim, we got connected to the stones in Paraná, at the city of Kurityba. Field in flames. From the ashes at the National Museum at Rio de Janeiro and from the Bendegó stone to the borduna message: they will not erase our memory.
A boy paints with watercolors that he got as a gift. He paints his mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. As the inspiration gets the best of him, he starts painting on the walls.
Experimental work that explores the Soviet imaginary and its relation to the future. The work features a virtual rendering of an architectural landscape that contrasts physical and temporal scales and stamps function as graphic messengers of a political and cultural transition. Constructed between the frameworks of speculative architecture, philately and the politics of time, "Postcard From a Nonexisting City" is a work that reflects on temporal arrangements and geopolitical effects produced by space communication technologies.
Images of the 911 attack on the Twin Towers act as a reminder for a character in recalling his lost relationship with a man he loved in this animated ode to building memorials - both physical and emotional - to those we have lost.
8th grade. The little boy finally finds someone to replace his 7 year long crush. However he develops "oneitis" over the new girl. Even after being rejected, he doesn't give up and ends up losing the only few friends he had.
A man checks in at a hotel at the end of the day, then walks into a few bistros and bars where he eats and drinks to excess. He then returns to the hotel where he falls asleep and dream’s tumultuously.
A human is observing the deserted streets of his hometown on the edge of the Apocalypse. The world is on the verge of being absorbed by the Black Hole. Familiar places in the ruins are difficult to recognize and it's hard to find the clues to understand is it a reality or dream. The sensation of "not quite real" is the sensation experienced during a catastrophe. In a person's attempts to orientate the disintegrating reality, the only one with whom he can discuss what is happening is artificial intelligence.