No sacrifice is in vain for the happiness of the people you love. Just like this family, who sacrifice each day to bring a smile and a happiness for the mother.
The coming-of-age story of a group of teenage friends—Royston, Violet, and Hao Ren—who strive against all challenges and obstacles to pursue their dreams.
Eleven-year-old Linh shows great grace under pressure. When her mother, who’s raising her kids on her own, has to return unexpectedly to Vietnam, Linh looks after her little sister Tien and the family restaurant on her own. Of course, no one is supposed to find out, not the school, not the neighbours, and definitely not child protective services. But Linh’s biggest problem has red hair, a telescope and a sly grin: Pauline. The daredevil from across the street has the whole neighbourhood under surveillance and can’t imagine anything cooler than a life without parents. When Pauline blackmails the Vietnamese sisters into starting a gang with her, the three girls set off on a daring adventure.
"Nomeolvides" ("Forget-me-nots") by Miguel Berzal de Miguel is a short film awarded, nominated or part of International Film Festivals like HollyShorts Film Festival, Palm Springs International Film Festival or Dumbo Film Festival. Music by Javier Berzal de Miguel. Cast: Silvia Espigado, Elena Caricol, Lola Casamayor, Antonio Canal, María Esteve, Miguel Herrán, Mayte Atarés, Nerea Rojo, Chema Moro, Juan Carlos Gandía and David Llorente.
Jackson's unhealthy eating habits lead to persistent nagging by his lady friend, which triggers Jackson to break off the relationship. Tony picks up the health baton and starts pressuring Jackson to take care of his body, emphasizing to him that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that he cannot serve God with all his heart if his heart and other organs are laboring to fight off self induced toxin poisoning. Jackson takes sides in the ongoing battle for the right of people to choose their own medical treatment. He partners up with Tony and Julie to become a champion for those underdogs who fight against Big Pharma and the Monsantos of the world who reap a fortune as they seize power to run the lives of the little people and jeopardize the future of the planet in their attempt to misuse science and political science to usurp God.
Ten years after being thrown out of her parental home, Nur hears that her mother is at death's door. Taking her young daughter with her, Nur hurries back to her father's world to see, and reconcile with her mother before it is too late. While the universal theme of mother-daughter relationships lies at the centre of the film, this is underpinned by an allusive subtext of incest, one of most common but least addressed social problems in Turkey. The individual stories of the family members combine with a sense of hope fuelled by tragedy to paint a portrait of the socially disconnected.
After living 23 years in France, psychiatrist Dr. Roy is called back to his village by Fr Francis, the man who raised him during his childhood. He has no idea why he was asked back, but when he returns he meets his childhood friend Dr Meera Menon who has become a pediatrician, but meeting her again brings him memories of their being in love years earlier.
In 1994, a young family of Bosnian refugees find themselves in a little Dutch village after receiving their residence permit. Absurd situations occur as they attempt to turn this new world into their home.
Kaptaan is Latest 2016 indian Punjabi Action Comedy Drama Film,directed By Mandeep Kumar,The star cast of the Film Gippy Grewal, Karishma Kotak, Monica Gill,The film is released on 20 May 2016
When a charming NRI girl falls in love with a wealthy businessman, she unwittingly sparks conflict within his large joint family. How will her lover find a way to marry her, while still ensuring that his large family remains happy and harmonious?
An English mother and her teenage son spend a week preparing the sale of their remote holiday house in the South of France. Fifteen-year-old Elliot struggles with his dawning sexuality and an increasing alienation from his mother, Beatrice. She in turn is confronted by the realisation that her marriage to his father, Philip, has grown loveless and the life she knows is coming to an end. When an enigmatic local teenager, Clément, quietly enters their lives, both mother and son are compelled to confront their desires and, finally, each other.
A couple finds their child missing and the woman who stole the baby goes into coma. Eight years later, four kids from an orphanage go to a summer camp. And one of them is the lost baby!