Free adaptation of the tale Mrs. Snow by the Grimm Brothers represented by children from the biggest illegal settlement of Santiago. An orphan must go rescue an embroidery when she is transported to the magical world of Mrs. Holle. The girl works for her for a while, shaking pillows and blankets to produce snow on Earth. After some time, the girl decides to return home and Mrs. Holle rewards her with gold. Arriving home, her stepsister imitates her in an attempt to get the same reward, but she behaves lazy and rude, which results in her being grounded. All roads lead to the common zone, but each reaps what it sows.
Luna was worried about her future. The days weren't being easy for this girl, but she couldn't imagine what awaited her that night was interrupted by the unusual visit of a lively little fairy. With a lot of effort, a few doses of magic, the friendly Armadillo wins Luna's trust. And a world of incredible discoveries begins.
When Branch's brother, Floyd, is kidnapped for his musical talents by a pair of nefarious pop-star villains, Branch and Poppy embark on a harrowing and emotional journey to reunite the other brothers and rescue Floyd from a fate even worse than pop-culture obscurity.
The love story between Giovanni Boccaccio, the son of a Florentine merchant who would become the most important poet of his era, and Fiammetta, the illegitimate daughter of the King of Naples Robert of Anjou. Boccaccio and Fiammetta fall madly in love on Easter Day in the church of San Lorenzo Maggiore. But fate does not seem to help the two young people's love. Princess Giovanna, in order to avoid getting married to Andrea of Hungary, devises a plan to poison him, placing the blame precisely on Fiammetta, who had meanwhile been hired at court as a servant. Boccaccio, with luck and daring, manages to prevent Fiammetta from being blamed. Princess Giovanna will marry the prince of Hungary, and Fiammetta, finally recognized as King Robert's daughter by her natural mother, will be able to crown her dream of love with Boccaccio.
The world of 10-year old Nina has been in turmoil since her father lost his job. Despite weeks of strike, his factory closed down. The manager had tampered with the accounts and precipitated its collapse. But rumour has it that a nest-egg remains hidden somewhere in the factory. Nina and her friend Mehdi spring into action to help Nina’s dad out. This tale of our times, which is also a coming-of-age story, stages the interaction between the concerns of children and those of adults.
Ara, Dika dan Raka have lived as street children since childhood. Their meeting with a vloger began to make them curious about family food which was asked by the vloger. This film wants to tell that family is not only about biologically having a father, mother, child, sibling, and the form of a biological family in general, can these 3 children who are not related by blood not be considered as family.
Andrea (4) and Marina (6) become fast friends while playing on the rooftops of their adjacent buildings during the pandemic in Mexico City. They cling to their precious friendship during the stress and loneliness of confinement. When Marina's parents separate suddenly, however, Marina is heartbroken to have to move away without being able to say goodbye to Andrea, who is equally heartsick until she unexpectedly finds a remnant of their friendship.
Ziyuan's family has a tradition of celebrating Christmas joyously, but everything changes when his parents divorce. They move to a new home; everyday objects go missing, there’s a dog on his route to school, and the saddest part is that it seemed like his parents no longer love each other! Ziyuan finds it hard to accept and decides to recreate the "Christmas Eve Secret Room Miracle" to evoke the beautiful memories of previous years...
Tomás is an old man who suffers from Alzheimer's disease dependent on his family who has a complicated relationship with him due to his condition, which causes a conflict of interest with Tomás' daughter wanting him to live, her granddaughter being completely indifferent, and his son-in-law. wanting him to die.
In sweltering heat, a boy comes home from school and looks for water. Only his bedridden grandfather is home; his mother isn’t, and there is no water. After drinking up his grandfather’s water, the boy heads out to fill the water bottle.
Soon to be married, Eun-su heads to Gangneung to see her long-lost father. The old seaside town has changed dramatically from the one in her childhood memories. Exhausted from the sweltering heat of August, Eun-su gets into a taxi.
A new father takes his wife and daughter on a journey to his mother’s birthplace in Scotland. It is 1976 – the year in which NASA’s Viking 1 and 2 space probes land on the surface of Mars. They send images of an only vaguely explored area from a great distance, enabling a first look into the history of an alien planet. Like the NASA scientists, the small family are hoping that their journey will give them insights into the past, an understanding of the present situation and perhaps even the chance to anticipate the future.
Narrated by Debbie Allen, the film bridges inspiring stories of individuals who have found purpose in their lives with the insights of leading scientists whose work affirms that living with purpose improves health and longevity.
Fifteen-year-old So-min is upset that her family has to move after her father’s business flops. Her family arrives at their new home, but even before their possessions are unloaded, So-min and her younger brother head to their old home.
Even before Yeon-ju finishes unpacking, her older sister Seon-ju unexpectedly barges into the cramped room, not large enough for the household items, and old possessions that fill it.