The curious Nora, Simen and Lars decide to start the hunt for the sacred Olav shrine in or around the medieval church Nidaros Dome, which has been gone for hundred of years. But they are not the only ones interested in finding the treasure.
The film tells the story of a stormy night, fengxi walking alone on the way home, a forest. Fengxi ambiguously hear a woman's voice is to ask him for help, limped off her, need him to help her back. Woman told fengxi, her name is li YanYan, is the disciple of nearby, then goes hand in hand...
A continuation of the documentary spoof of what Thor and his roommate Darryl were up to during the events of "Captain America: Civil War". While Cap and Iron Man duke it out, Thor tries to pay Darryl his rent in Asgardian coins.
During the Cold War, an organization called "Patriot" created a super-hero squad, which includes members of multiple soviet republics. For years, the heroes had to hide their identities, but in hard times they must show themselves again.
Young princess Maria has had about enough of her royal life – it’s all lesson, responsibilities and duties on top of each other, every hour of every day. Overwhelmed, Maria is swept away on an adventure into the monster-filled dark, dark woods.
Set in the land of Yuguto, the people thought that the land they live is the size of the world, but it’s actually divided into several areas, each with a respective king. Even though there were small wars among areas, the kings had roundtable meetings to maintain peace and balance. It was until a dark group of dark monsters appeared. Chain Chronicle: The Light of Haecceitas is the first of a trilogy of movies, the TV series version is the movies chopped up into 20-minute segments with an opener, closer, and a small intro and recap added in to smooth out the runtime. Movie 3 (TV episodes 9-12).
Ruth is a pregnant woman on a killing spree. It's her misanthropic unborn baby dictating Ruth's actions, holding society responsible for the absence of a father.
A beautifully animated short film inspired by Yuki-onna, a spirit or yōkai in ancient Japanese folklore, in which a young girl finds herself in unwelcoming surroundings after leaving behind a mysterious past.
Snowflake Anthology: “Japanese natural aesthetics” — with the theme of Japanese elegance, a magnificent picture scroll presented in dance that unfolds gracefully. Starting with the glorious scenery of spring, then the glittering waves of summer, the autumn moon, and then from a pure silver world of dancing snowflakes to an ode to the riotously blooming cheery blossoms, the dazzling scenes build up one after another. The Golden Desert: In a far-off desert kingdom, the spoiled and lonely Princess Talharmine has been raised together from infancy with her personal slave, Giy. When Talharmine must marry a foreign prince, the impending separation confuses them both, stirring up deeply rooted anger and deeply buried desire. After a fraught night together, they decide to escape to the mythical “Golden Desert,” an oasis where they will be free of the roles they were born into. But in doing so, a terrible series of events is set in motion...
In a poor Estonian village, a group of peasants use magic and folk remedies to survive the winter, and a young woman tries to get a young man to love her.
The devil tricks a little boy off his laughter in exchange for assured wins in all his bets. It depicts his journey after the deal with the devil, how he loses his soul bit by bit with each win.
Jobless girl spends her life playing Transformice 24/7 when she gets kicked out of her rented apartment by an evil maniac named "Cucu". Now, broke and on the streets, the girl must steal money in order to make a living and face dangerous threats.
In 2017, in the wake of the newly-elected President Trump's mysterious tragic fall from the balcony of Trump Tower, Barack Obama declares himself "President-For-Life". Now, in 2040, in a gunless, godless America renamed "Obamaland", a ragtag group of patriotic "Trumpublikans" plot from an abandoned Applecheez deep in the Heartland to take their country back once and for all