Flotando is a short film about a russian astronaut aboard the ISS that wakes up after a collision. After several failed attempts to communicate with the base he receives an un-welcomed visit. Although it might be just his imagination, or not.
Strange other-worldly sounds are echoing around the world. A group of researchers, led by expert ufologist Lorraine Gardner, begin an expedition to track down the point of origin from which the sounds emerge. Yet as their journey deepens, they begin to discover more than they bargained for.
High school senior Alex has an encounter with mysterious lights that appear over her small town. She soon develops dangerous, supernatural abilities, and turns to her childhood friend Sean. The authorities target them and a chase ensues as officials try to discover the truth behind Alex's transformation.
Understanding each other makes the world feel smaller. If you knew every language, would any barriers to communication still exist? “Esperanto” is a glimpse into the future of...conversation.
Born with an energetic power to absorb fear from others, a young woman must find love to balance the fears of her own and fight an ever growing storm of negative energy.
Alone in Space is a high concept adventurous, warm and funny genre feature film that doesn’t shy away from big questions about life and death. Alone in Space takes the audience on a ride with two kids lost in space, accompanied by a friendly alien.
Mankind is nearly extinct in this post-apocalyptic creature thriller. Most humans died from a deadly plague and the ice age they manufactured to eradicate it. A man named Vargas leads a group of survivors on a quest to reach Shangri-La, the last safe haven on Earth. However, they must fight through the cold, a mutant cult and a pack of deadly creatures to get there.
A teenage girl and her father travel to a remote alien moon, aiming to strike it rich. They've secured a contract to harvest a large deposit of the elusive gems hidden in the depths of the moon's toxic forest. But there are others roving the wilderness and the job quickly devolves into a fight to survive.
In the not too distant future, a wealthy couple, Juan and Clara hire the services of "youcare", a company that educates your child for you in your own home in a comfortable and simple way.
Carter, a young delivery boy in Manhattan, finds himself immersed in a series of incidents and soon discovers a destructive plan for not only New York City, but all of the major metropolitan areas in the United States. As a deeper plot looms, the future of the world proves to be in his hands.