80's inspired John Carpenteresque Action. A young woman is forced to push past her worst fears and battle to deport an ancient entity back to where it came from. Set inside an underground military base known as The Artemis Black Site, the movie mixes an Escape From New York style survival story with Lovecraftian elements and large scale mythology building.
Facing total extinction, a military operation turns to the stars in order to relocate the entire human race. During the exodus, one man is sent to rescue his former comrade after she mysteriously disappears while executing a covert operation off world.
When eleven year old Amy finds an old eighties video game magazine she dials the phone number displayed on the back, and in a strange cosmic glitch gets connected to Caesar Spinone, a video game call center employee in the year 1989.
A mysterious disease spreads around the world. If people get the disease, cherry blossoms will bloom on their body and they will die. The cause or possible vaccine for the disease does not exist. People begin to accept the disease as part of their daily lives.
After a traumatic collision with a rogue asteroid, a pilot is marooned on his ship in the deep black of space. He must use everything in his power to repair his ship and find a way home.
Two amateur Ufologists investigate a woman's claim that aliens are watching her. This is that footage, compiled and released by The Civilian Department of Ufology, a privately owned UFO research and investigation organization.
Jovanka Airlines was a short webcast made to coincide with the release of Doctor Who: The Collection — Season 19 Blu-ray boxset and released as part of The Season 19 Safety Video with Tegan Jovanka. As the name suggests, Tegan examined the special features of the release as if they were safety procedures on an aeroplane.
In the near future, a ship of space explorers crash land on an unknown planet. They're soon met with some of their worst fears as they discover the planet is inhabited by monstrous dinosaurs.
A bioengineering company releases a new product: Mungoes, human beings who have been stripped of all memories, feelings, and free will. They are stoic, docile, perfect for menial labor. The lead engineer, however, has bigger ideas for them, and begins secretly implanting them with artificial memories and emotions—and even the ability to love.
What is supposed to be a marriage boot camp on a remote island turns into the ultimate test for survival when a 6-headed shark starts attacking the beach. Trapped with minimal weapons they try to fight off the shark, but quickly discover that no one is safe in the water or on land.
Set in the year 2245 when Earth's sun threatens to wipe out all of humanity, "The Dawnseeker" follows five hired mercenaries who travel to an uncharted planet to collect a rare mineral known as stardust to replenish the dying star. After their spaceship crashes on the alien planet, they are stalked and hunted by a creature far more advanced than anything they have ever encountered before.