Tobias the Hybrid Tram Engine's sense of identity is thrown into question when a mysterious enemy returns to the railway with a hidden agenda and throws everyone's lives into chaos.
In the gripping cinematic tale, "Hyde Out," an ill-fated heist forces three felons to be on the run from the relentless pursuit of the law. With the local authorities hot on their trail, they find refuge within the seemingly ordinary home of Emily and Joe, an unsuspecting married couple. What starts off as a frantic attempt to escape imminent capture swiftly escalates into an unforeseen sequence of events. As hidden truths are revealed and loyalties tested, Emily is forced to confront her hidden demons, navigating a treacherous path to self-preservation throughout the ominous night.
In 1909, several years after Korea is forced into becoming a Japanese colony, freedom fighters plot the daring assassination of Japan's prime minister during their quest for independence.
Directed by Jay "Dorkyswimmer" Abidin. Starring Kyfer Allchorne as David, someone who is trapped in the university for reasons unknown. David finds himself in a dark room, with the university building that he is in, to appear deserted but as he attempts to leave, something prevents him from doing so.
Giorgia is a careless Italian student who forgot to bring a pen to school: so she asks the janitor of her school for one, but this isn't just a normal pen. Follow her journey in this horror short film and discover the pen's curse.
A decades spanning mystery commencing in 1945 after the mysterious deaths of Adolf Hitler and Subhash Chandra Bose, and culminating in 2022 at the height of the Russo-Ukrainian War.
Inside a cryptic warehouse, a content creator documents a time travel experiment, unveiling a dangerous journey where desperate seekers risk everything to harness the life-altering power of a mysterious time portal.
Brenna, whose life depends on a valuable watch, resorts to a risky and obscure method to prevent it from breaking and bringing irreversible consequences.
In his pursuit of a master of disguise, Vinay finds himself drawn into a world where deception reigns and identities are fluid. As his search deepens, questions of guilt and innocence begin to intertwine, forcing him to confront the shadows within himself.
A mother consumes abnormal objects in the hopes of granting her child desirable traits. While she has good intentions, her actions may not be good for her baby.