The world's premiere voice actor and animator, known as "The Man with 99 Voices" has gone silent. In an attempt to break into the business, aspiring voice actor Claire Flores must coax the reclusive Harry Hoffman out of retirement. She quickly learns of his sinister secret, a horrifying hundredth voice dead set on getting Harry back into the limelight.
A group of friends travels to play an ancient game in a secluded attraction. As strange events unfold, they uncover forbidden rituals, and their actions trigger a deadly curse. What they've awakened won't let them leave, sealing their fate in terror.
Welcome to The Acumen Files. You are about to watch a series of declassified video files which display an increase in delirious hallucinations. Pay attention.
After 95 years of comfortable living, Mickey finds his world turned upside down and must face his deepest fears. Will he emerge on the other side or lose himself trying?
Jerry, an ordinary immigrant dad, retired in Orlando, is recruited to be an undercover agent for the Chinese police. Jerry’s family recreates the events on film and his three sons discover a darker truth. True crime meets spy thriller in this genre-bending docufiction hybrid about an immigrant’s search for the American dream. A Slamdance Film Festival Grand Jury and Audience Award winner.
Three men wake up in an elevator shaft room confused and on high alert. As they try to come to terms with their situation, they find themselves in a game of choices and survival known as Abacus. As time goes on, they begin to discover information about one another that motivates their reactions and ultimately leads to a finale where only one man can remain alive.
Aspiring business man is on the way to a meeting when he is disturbed by a man on the floor, after their brief encounter he tries to get on with his day, but fate has other plans.
TV's hottest vampire-hunting show's newest season premiere is upon us, and they've got a brand new idea for this first episode: invite their biggest fans on to see them in action. The Archibald sisters are anything but your typical fans, and the Blood Drive crew will soon discover this fact as they traverse through the night doing business as usual.
Michael is an alcoholic. He abuses his wife, barely tolerating his kid. He enslaved them in paranoia, and through alcoholism delivered them into destitution. The trauma escalates when he takes thugs home, and must answer the consequences.
Barbie in the metaspace of the ‘Russian world’: when the doll is taken out of the package, the bright makeup runs down her face like little streams of dirt, her high cheekbones become bruised, and the plastic cracks when clashed with reality. If you don't morph from a chrysalis into a butterfly with titanium wings studded with spikes, how long will you be able to survive in this world?