From World War, to revolution and ultimately rebirth, Forever Young is the story of four generations spanning a hundred years of modern Chinese history. Each generation faces its own unique set of challenges. Up against corporate corruption, the trials and tribulations of the cultural revolution, and one's duty to nation in time of war, they are faced with choosing their individual paths through history. But as the challenges and turmoil of each generation may differ as time changes, what was learned in the past cannot help but effect the choices that are made in the future as it is passed down from generation to generation. And that is the universal message that being true to yourself is precious. It is the source of strength that empowers one to become the person they want to be, to march forward as far as their hearts desire, into the future.
During the late stages of World War I, a young American soldier, Private MacDonald, has just become his company's new message runner. Facing imminent German advances, MacDonald and his brothers in arms mentally prepare for the onslaught. The Hun portrays metaphorical themes in the fog of war through storytelling and myth, which can only amount to the reality; war is hell.
This documentary is a dedicated yet moving account of Operation Millennium, the first 1,000 bomber raid by the R.A.F in World War Two. It was an extraordinary feat of organization involving 1,048 bombers and 6,000 aircrew and 53 British airfields. The result; an awesome and unprecedented bombing raid which ultimately reduced the population of Cologne by ninety five percent.
The British royal family has always been a symbol of Nazi resistance. However, time and again, information from different sources has surfaced about the Windsors’ secret sympathy for the Nazi regime. The newest finds have even fueled the suspicion that, in the summer of 1940, the abdicated King Edward VIII may have leaked sensitive war-related information to Hitler’s regime with the hopes of securing their support for his plans to reassume the throne. The Royals, the British Aristocracy and the Nazis presents video footage and recently surfaced photos to evidence the contemporary royal family’s and leading British aristocrats’ sympathy for National Socialism. It focuses particularly on the decisive roles of Edward and his American wife, Wallis Simpson, who was unsatisfied with her status of a shunned duchess — and introduced Edward to the NS scene.
The feature film “The seven ramparts of the citadel”, a fiction recounting the conflict between an Algerian family expropriated from its land and a bloodthirsty settler; by director Ahmed Rachedi. Adapted from the eponymous novel by Mohamed Maarafia, the film, whose plot begins in 1954, tells the story of two characters, Thebti and Lucien, “the fellaga and the colonist”, a story of crossed destinies. “After having engaged in a fight to the death, after having both traveled a long path of embers, (they) finally find themselves face to face and above all each face to themselves”.
Bravery, compassion and the will to save lives motivated the young Nurse Helen Fairchild to leave home in Pennsylvania and embark on a journey to Europe, where she served as a surgical nurse during World War I before dying on the front lines.
John Henry Balch was a Pharmacist's Mate attached to the 3rd Battalion 6th Marine Regiment when his unit entered the Belleau Wood. His dedication to the Marines under his care earned him the Medal of Honor.
The story of WWI Pilot Gervais Raoul Lufbery, a triple confirmed WWI ace, mechanic and world traveler. Explores the Lafayette Escadrille squadron, a formation of volunteer pilots serving in France on behalf of the United States whose service marked the early origins of the U.S. Air Force.
The blue butterfly, the only one known in the world, is the sacred symbol of the community to which Alonso, the army colonel who defends it, belongs. Alonso goes on the hunt because his convictions and those of his community are threatened by a subdivision of the army that fled led by Gabriel, his best friend, who claims to have found a new meaning in another butterfly of another color.
Jérémy, paratrooper, returns from Central Africa after the death of his brother in arms, Sofiane. He finds himself at his mother's house, who does not know how to help him to get back on his feets . The daily slowly resumes its course, but Jeremy remains haunted by the death of his friend.
After her seven children fled Syria seeking refuge worldwide, 80-year-old Susu finds herself with no other choice but to leave Damascus and move to Dubai to live with her daughter’s family. Despite the security she enjoys in the Gulf city, she remains persistent in her desire to return to the now-empty, family house in the country that millions of people have left.
The English Channel during WWII was a strategic passageway separating two major enemies: Great Britain and Germany. Whoever controlled the Channel controlled the passage of warships and commercial vessels—basically, all weapons supplies. Particularly important was the Dover Strait, the narrowest part of the Channel, where enemy encounters were more than likely, so the entire area had to be protected by powerful bunker cannons. In 1942, the Germans quickly built sixteen giant coastal artillery batteries along the French coast. The precision and force of some of them meant they could wipe out any English vessel at sea, and even reach the British coast. Churchill, in a panic over the power of these guns, in turn ordered the building of six batteries atop the cliffs of Dover. A previously unseen page out of history tells of these superguns—whose formidable firepower made them invaluable throughout the war—standing guard on both sides of the Dover Strait.
The shadows of Napoleon’s army fall upon their boat traveling through the mysterious cave named after Marie Jeanne, a female soldier who fought in the Haitian Revolution. It is this battle inside her cave that will become the most successful slave revolution in history.
Telling a story of young lovers separated by war, Tommi Rautio's independent documentary feature film focuses on how women were affected by World War II in Finland, the brutal battle of Kelja as well as how the war has affected the offspring of a warn-torn nation filled with veterans and evacuees.
After a failed anti-Nazi sabotage mission leaves his eleven comrades dead, a Norwegian resistance fighter finds himself fleeing the Gestapo through the snowbound reaches of Scandinavia.