John Hunter is Vietnam Green Beret Veteran, Half Commando, Half Ninja, whose daughter has been abducted by a secret Ninja Organization, led by a Central-American dictator, who wants to create a new-world order - through time.
Twelve seasoned men and women are on the run. If anyone can survive this, they will or they will die trying. And many will indeed die before the night bleeds away into morning light.
Ed Montenez is a Shadow Wolves Tracker and Border Patrol Agent hunting a lone Coyote who carries a mysterious package. Infused into the chase are a pair of rogue militiamen hell-bent on defending the border and a suspicious Federal Agent investigating border killings and corruption. No matter their motives, each one of them becomes indentured to the package once they uncover the nature of its contents.
Gunned down in the snowy wilderness and desperate for shelter, Billy Cavanagh is taken in by kooky old lady Agnes, unaware that her isolated log cabin is surrounded by bloodthirsty skinless creatures hellbent on getting inside.
A trio of soldiers vow revenge on their platoon when they are left behind enemy lines. When they come across a missing contingent in a Vietnamese village, alliances dissolve and each step forward will come with a price.
Barents Sea, August 12th, 2000. During a Russian naval exercise, and after suffering a serious accident, the K-141 Kursk submarine sinks with 118 crew members on board. While the few sailors who are still alive barely manage to survive, their families push for accurate information and a British officer struggles to obtain from the Russian government a permit to attempt a rescue before it is late. But general incompetence are against all their efforts.
A young lesbian tending bar for her father meets her dream girl but might not survive, dreamgirl being a hired gun for a corporation seeking a thumbdrive of stolen corporate secrets.
With his true love captured by the villainous Sheriff of Nottingham, the legendary Robin Hood and his crew of outlaws execute a daring rescue to save her.
The son of a hangman gets involved in a gunfight with the men who killed his father. When one of these men is killed, the son is arrested and tried by the territorial hanging judge. The young man's fate is now in the hands of another hangman.
The 'Arab Spring of 2011' is in full eruption, turmoil consumes the Mid-East region as protesters, rebels and insurgents wreak havoc and destruction. A Clandestine American Military Agency, 'Black Halo', is forced to move a vital asset out of the warzone in Amrakistan. Mike McGuirk sends in a Black-Ops team led by Segar to securely extract Moshin Dewar and his newest invention. Moshin sensing something is not right, escapes Segar by jumping out of a flying plane. Using his device to survive, he literally falls into the clutches of a slave mining magnate, Anwar the Butcher, now holding Moshin for trespassing on his land and destroying one of his vehicles. Segar fails in to negotiate with Anwar. McGuirk under extreme pressure from his superiors who fear he is losing control of the situation, switches to Plan B.
In the post-apocalyptic future, the world is at war. The newly instated Soviet Russian Army has invaded the USA with the assistance of an evil German scientist who has created an army of super human soldiers, half-man and half-shark.