A yarn about the mythical Leprechauns who reside in Ireland and their crock of gold. The legend says that if anyone succeeds in capturing one of the wee men, the little person must then lead them to where the gold is hidden. Young Patrick, on his 121st birthday---that is correct, his 121st birthday---is permitted to do a good deed, and delivers new shoes to the homes of the poor. But, alas, the town miser spots him and succeeds in capturing him. Patrick leads the miser to the spot of the gold, a tree stump, and promises, as the legend says, not to remove it while the old miser rushes home for a shovel. But, when he returns he now finds hundreds of tree stumps, and is foiled. Young Patrick is welcomed back home with a birthday cake...with 121 candles.
The big bad cats are the villains/Indians, and the little mice are the settlers going west in their little covered wagons, and the Indians are on a rampage about it. Things look dark indeed for the settlers when the likes of Buffalo Bill, General Custer and Daniel Boone are unable to defeat the attacking cats but...wait...up in the sky...here comes the singing, flying mouse...Mighty Mouse. Not recommended for Revisionists.
Christmas has arrived. As a little girl and her parents enter the room, the little girl finds all kinds of toys under the Christmas Tree. She immediately throws her old doll aside and starts playing with her new dolls. But that night she has a dream. Or maybe it isn't a dream?
A dopey Pilgrim goes hunting a turkey who speaks in a Jimmy Durante impersonation and runs the local black market. War and rationing gags abound (Pilgrims line up behind a sign reading "Ye Cigarettes Today"), as well as a running gag featuring a bear wearing an "Eat at Joe's" sandwich sign. The turkey harnesses the power of gags to save himself.
Superman has to thwart wartime saboteurs tampering with things at the Metropolis Munitions Plant...who have captured Lois Lane and loaded her into a torpedo!
Hearing that silver foxes are all the rage in high society, a fox paints himself silver and gets himself trapped, finding out too late that it's only his fur anyone is interested in.