Dr. Adams cultivates pig-human hybrids for organ transplants. One of the products, "Eve", was created to substitute for his lost love. His bodiless AI entity, Sahra, foils his plan in this nostalgic nod to B movie "creature features".
The climate change has released an ancient rabies virus trapped in the Antarctica ice. A female scientist tries to get to the laboratory to create a cure to save the world, protected by an eccentric and two members of the special forces.
A VIRUS IS LOOSE. In rural village where crime is non existent, a police sergeant is retiring out of boredom. He is sent a young recruit fresh out of police school. All hell is about to break loose in this apocalyptic horror film.
The sequel leads Hope and the White Moon Drake to the mid-50s in a Film Noir filled with drama and conspiracy and in which their love story is endangered by the dark forces who followed them all the way from the 18th century. Hope is abducted by the local mob, run by an evil woman by the name of Zeena, whose Jealousy towards her grows to the point where she tries to turn the White Moon Drake against his one and only love.
A Sci-Fi feature similar in tone and in the spirit of Shaun of the Dead. who attempt to save the world from an intergalactic invasion of Aliens who create an army of Aliens by converting humans on earth into man-eating monsters. What starts out as a fun couple's camping trip, quickly turns into a fight for survival when an asteroid full of alien biostrata collides with earth. Just like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the biostrata gets into a human's bloodstream, and turns them into bloodthirsty aliens. Our heroes hole up in a cabin in the woods as they concoct a plan to save themselves and the entire world from these evil aliens. All hope will be lost if they can't find and destroy the Alien Queen before she destroys them… and the planet!
When a meteor crashes into the moon and shifts its axis, Earth's gravity pulls the moon into the path of the planet. Now, a group of scientists must figure out how to stop the moon from hitting the earth before it's too late.
Who Will You Be When the World Ends? - When it is announced that the world will end in 7 years, a young woman must decide what is truly important to her in life and what she is willing to sacrifice to reach her goals.
Liberty, a socially awkward 16-year-old, returns from two months at camp to a blindsided introduction of her mother’s fianceĢ, John Smith, whose charm, intelligence, and beauty paint the picture of a man too perfect to be human.
Fearing he'll never be a success, Barnaby Bates, a struggling LA comedy writer, pulls away from a blossoming romantic relationship with Rose, an empathetic young photographer, in order to focus on his career. Things get complicated when he's visited by a mysterious stranger from the future who warns that the world as Barnaby knows it will soon be coming to an end.
Attempting to surpass his father's legacy, a neuroscientist becomes entangled in his own experiment, pitting ten fragments of his consciousness against each other.
Max Fist claims he’s a hero from another dimension who has somehow landed on Earth and been stripped of his powers. Instead of treating him like a powerful champion, no one believes Max’s claims — except for a teenager named Hamster and his sister Indigo. The siblings convince Max to help them take out a local drug gang, where Max’s abilities are put to a violent and harrowing test.
In the year 2164, when rock n roll is banned, a group of underground rebels, lead by a mad scientist, attempt to start a non-violent revolution by waking up the docile masses via a cloned rockstar sent on a guerrilla tour to "rock n roll them free from the tyranny". But they soon find out, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
A physicist's life-long work comes to fruition when he is reluctantly partnered with a gifted young assistant. Ego divides them when they receive an unknown signal from space.
In the future, superluminal speeds allow to travel any point in the universe. A lone man searches for extraterrestrial life, but finding none. One day, he finds a message in a monolith drifting in space. It leads him to a portal to their home planet where he finds a giant structure deserted. But...This place is breathing on its own… Where have all the inhabitants gone?
In 1984, a Russian research team goes below the surface to find out what secret the world's deepest borehole is hiding. On their expedition, something unexpectedly gruesome awaits the researchers.
Two years into an intergalactic invasion of Earth, survivors in Sydney, Australia, fight back in a desperate ground war. As casualties mount by the day, the resistance and their unexpected allies, uncover a plot that could see the war come to a decisive end. With the Alien invaders hell-bent on making earth their new home, the race is on to save mankind.