Unsatisfied with a past mistake, Chandler returns home to set things right only to find himself thrown into a late-night odyssey with buddies Jules and Ty.
An orphaned boy in a post-apocalyptic world, meets a grieving woman who is trying to find her lost daughter. Their journey leads them face-to-face with a despot who may have the daughter held captive.
Teen son of black couple is murdered during a robbery. Murderer gets 40 years and has cute son (6-8yrs). Mother of murdered son wants to take-in/adopt the boy, husband objects. Kid's dad objects.
Four friends reunite for a dinner to catch up on each other's lives. As the night progresses, it devolves into a whirlwind of jealousy, lies and big revelations. This dramatic story unfolds in real time.
Three rugged country brothers, with an aversion for the law, break out the big guns to protect those they love most and set out on a dangerous heist that may end up being their last wild ride together.
A Los Angeles film student struggles to graduate while navigating a budding romance and reconnecting with his estranged uncle, leading to a renewed uncertainty of his future.
A social-drama set in an alternate time-line where Caucasians are the racially oppressed minority, Reversal follows the romance of two high-school students: Sammy and Ella, one from a rich African-American family, and the other from poor white trash. Both Sammy and Ella overcome prejudice and bullying from the dysfunctional families and environments and bring with them a little bit of change.
A comical nurse practitioner who treats his patients in an unconventional way, is challenged by a tough and stubborn patient, but is determined to show him the bright side, even when the end is so close.
In 1917, outside the parish of Fátima, Portugal, a 10-year-old girl and her two younger cousins witness multiple visitations of the Virgin Mary, who tells them that only prayer and suffering will bring an end to World War I. As secularist government officials and Church leaders try to force the children to recant their story, word of the sighting spreads across the country, inspiring religious pilgrims to flock to the site in hopes of witnessing a miracle..
Ahamefule Joe Oluo's days are spent at a soul-deadening corporate job and his nights come alive behind a trumpet at Seattle jazz clubs. As he struggles to climb out of the ruins of his broken marriage, Aham has to deal with endless bureaucracy, a boss trying to lead him to the Lord, and a mother who refuses to cut ties with his ex.
This sharp-witted dramedy studies a middle-aged NYC theatre actress suddenly forced to figure out the kind of person she wants to portray in real life when her marriage comes to an end after she catches her husband cheating.