Buried by treacherous conditions at the top of Mt. Baekdu, a policeman must brave the extreme weather until his transfer comes through. When a group of thieves stumbles into the station in search of safe shelter, both sides must fight for survival.
After witnessing the apocalypse from a research bunker in the Scottish highlands, Jack survives with only the station's AI mainframe computer ( J.I.M. ) to keep him company. When the food supplies run out 8 years later, Jack & JIM set out across the post apocalyptic wastelands to deliver an important message. Mayhem ensues as they encounter Ice Pirates, Cannibals , Cyber-Punks and Zombie Nuns.
In order to evade the law, notorious bank robber the MOMSTER (Amanda Plummer) ditched her daughter Angel (Brianna Hildebrand) with a dangerous accomplice named Dallas (John Ennis) at his drug front roadside diner Wild Ride. Working as a drug dealing waitress on wheels, Angel befriends klutzy bus girl Rose (Ryan Simpkins) - who happens to be madly in love with Angel- but is distracted by daydreams that her mother will come rescue her so they can be the most illustrious mother/daughter bank robbing duo the world has ever known. But when the Momster shows up on Angel's birthday with more than one screw loose, it turns out Angel has to do the saving - Will Momster escape the cops again?
When a Japanese pilot crash-lands on the tiny remote Hawaiian island of Ni'ihau, he is met with courtesy and traditional Hawaiian hospitality from the locals - until they discover he was part of the recent attack on Pearl Harbor. Soon the community is split between those of Japanese ancestry who support the pilot and those of Hawaiian ancestry who oppose them.
In a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with thrills that kill, Jericho is responsible for the protection of his family against local gang tyrant king Black Jack.
Scientists make a horrible discovery: The "Big One" is coming in two days, with it, California will sink to the ocean. Their only hope is to rupture a volcano that will displace the earthquake's energy and build a new crust on the surface. But as fore-shocks turn California into chaos, it's a race against time the scientists might not win.
A game ranger arresting poachers ends up saving their lives when zombie animals attack them in the jungle. Now surrounded, the game ranger and poachers forge uneasy alliance to stop the beasts before the super-zombie virus spreads to entire world.
A man steps out of a park fountain in Ho Chi Minh City with no recollection of who he is or where he came from. As he wanders through the city, piecing together clues to his past, he is relentlessly pursued by mysterious figures.
A crime syndicate places a hit on a billionaire's daughter, making her the target of an elite assassin squad. A small band of down-and-out mercenaries protects her, fighting tooth and nail to stop the assassins from reaching their target.
Mumbai, India, November 26, 2008. While several terrorists spread hatred and death through the city, others attack the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. Both hotel staff and guests risk their lives, making unthinkable sacrifices to protect themselves and keep everyone safe while help arrives.
Zhang, a middle aged man struggling with a dead end job as an insurance sales person, on the verge of divorce with his wife, losing custody of her daughter, and on top of all this he has to take care of his father who is suffering from Alzheimer's. Unknowingly Zhang is invited to join an underground fighting game for financial purposes, but eventually Zhang becomes hooked on the fights and turns professional.
The mysterious Ultraman, Tregear, has suddenly appeared in Ayaka City. Tregear asks what one would do to make their dreams come true, prompting Katsumi to search for his own dream. As a monster appears for the first time in a year, Ultraman Blu and Ultraman Rosso are joined by Ultraman Geed to face off against this new threat. Walking towards their dream with the heart of the Minato family in hand, Ultraman Gruebe is born.
Former special ops soldier, Laura Bishop, shows up for work at the largest church in America and is forced to take down a team of hijackers when she learns her daughter is trapped inside.
When feudal lord Itakura Katsuakira decides to prepare his samurai troops for the onslaught of modernization by having them compete in a marathon, his independent-minded daughter Yuki secretly joins the race.
When a little girl is kidnapped by a trafficking ring, they soon find they messed with the wrong child. Her mother, a notorious former gang leader, is close on their trail and will go to any lengths to bring her child home.
Escalating climate change is turning the world economy upside down. With crops dying and food price spiking, FOOD has replaced oil as the world's most valuable commodity. Among the very few lands still left fertile, Indonesia is quickly rising as the next economic superpower, when its government is suddenly and ruthlessly overtaken by a popular rogue political party. In just three days, six former Marines must work together, find their long-lost brotherhood, stop a nationwide government- sanctioned genocide, and save millions of lives, for one last shot at redemption. Or die trying.