Fall under the spell of these five hilariously talented black women from all walks of life, and all parts of the U.S., in this side splitting stand-up special. Starring NY's Brooklyn Jones, LA's Alycia Cooper, Chicago's Just Nesh, Milwaukee's Kelly Kellz and hosted by Atlanta's Ashima Franklin. Filmed on location live from Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
After reuniting, Sarah tells her brother Stephen that she's pregnant. Stephen will do his best to help raise it with her, even with many obstacles in the way.
A young couple leave behind their party lifestyle and find tranquility in an isolated rental cabin only to realize they have checked into a sinister nightmare as the locals reveal the true reason for their solitude.
Karen Williams, a trauma therapist, has witnessed firsthand the special courage that shapes those who work in emergency services. But when her husband, a career firefighter, returns from a life-changing blaze, and she discovers that a degree and years of counseling first responders has done little to personally prepare her to help her husband’s battle with PTSD. Unable to see a path to save her marriage, she turns to God and celebrates the truth that through Him all things are possible. Perhaps no one knows this better than the brave men and women who provide emergency services: the ones we call “first responders.”
Two terminally ill hospice residents conspire to make their spouses fall in love with each other to lessen the impact of their death. Things go awry when they themselves fall in love and one of them begins to feel better.
The Goo Goo Dolls put on a real rock show of their most popular songs on a visually stunning Augmented Reality FanTracks Stage. From the heartfelt "Indestructible" for 45 minutes the band play their twenty+ song hit-laden back catalogue for a career-spanning set live from Thunder Studios in Long Beach, California. See Bug Hits like "Iris" with amazing sound all live in your living room.
A film about our garbage that is found in the most remote areas and about the people who try to dispose of it. Not only in the sea and on coasts, also in the Arctic, the jungle, high up on the mountains and deep inside the desert, garbage is found almost everywhere in various forms and dimensions, sometimes as whole car wrecks, old TV sets or simply construction rubble, but mostly in the form of disintegrated plastic particles a few millimetres in size. Humanity has handed out its visiting cards thoroughly.
When a young mother, Kelli loses her infant son to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) she severs ties with her life and begins living in her car. Trying to process her grief in isolation, she runs into a teen mother, Esther and the two begin a journey of healing across the American West.
A reclusive true crime podcast tries to keep a low profile despite achieving massive success for her investigation of the serial killing case she calls the “Barbie Murders.” But soon it becomes clear that with this bizarre case, her anonymity isn’t the only thing being threatened.
A rowdy pro-wrestler, struggling to make ends meet, agrees to fill in as a last-minute replacement for his girlfriend's well-paying babysitting job. Upon arriving at the secluded family home, he meets the precocious 10-year-old Grace. What starts off as a quiet night of pizza and video games quickly spirals into bloody, violent chaos as Tom and Grace find themselves fighting for their lives when an otherworldly cult of masked intruders descend on the home.
Sarah is a children’s book author who returns to her hometown, where she reconnects with her family and Travis, her teenage crush. She soon discovers that a long-held family legend might actually be true.
GRAMMY® winner Marcy Marxer takes us on her journey through Breast Cancer and chemo enduced neuropathy, tempered by her wacky sense of humor and ability to make the personal universal. She triumphs with the love of her life, Cathy Fink.
Louisa meets entrepreneur Steve at a bar. After 48 blissful hours, Steve disappears and Louisa realizes she's been cheated out of thousands of dollars. Louisa later learns she's pregnant and Steve has an identical twin, another romantic con artist.
Julie is adjusting to being a single mother to a grieving child while facing her first Christmas without her husband when she develops an unexpected friendship with her older neighbor Irene.
Becca and Robby are a married couple having a hard time connecting with each other as the holidays approach. Just before Christmas, they head to a cozy Vermont inn at the advice of their marriage coach so they can recharge. Their weekend away gets unexpectedly extended when a mishap puts their car out of commission and just may put them on the road to a very happily married Christmas.
Kim and Theo meet in the midst of Black Friday shopping madness but there's a definite spark between them. When a power outage causes some panic at a store, the couple gets separated. With Christmas coming, there should be plenty of distractions but neither Kim nor Theo can forget the other. Both yearn to find each other but how with so little information to go on?
After the death of his father, Aden and his mother, Sarah, find themselves responsible for the sale of his family home – a place they thought they’d left behind. When Sarah’s friends arrive to help, the task seems almost manageable. However, as they clear out the house, they uncover secrets in Sarah’s past and the sinister nature of the cultivated community Aden was raised in…. And his father’s family.
A sound engineer struggling in the aftermath of trauma is forced to face her fears when she's locked in a music studio with her girlfriend's grunge band. Mistrust and mayhem erupt as they search for answers and a way out.
At 7:07PM, the occult club members hold a ritual ceremony to summon “Master Salt” who is a divine protector. One after another, people ask Master Salt for help. What will Master Salt and the girls encounter in the battle against a powerful enemy?