John Hunter is Vietnam Green Beret Veteran, Half Commando, Half Ninja, whose daughter has been abducted by a secret Ninja Organization, led by a Central-American dictator, who wants to create a new-world order - through time.
Twelve seasoned men and women are on the run. If anyone can survive this, they will or they will die trying. And many will indeed die before the night bleeds away into morning light.
A frustrated angel Gabriel, a disagreeing college student Mary, and a dumbfounded boyfriend Joseph have to figure out a very troubling mission to bear a child who will put their lives upside down.
Ultimate Frisbee is founded on fair play and Spirit of the Game. There is no referee and players call their own fouls. Will Beefree, a team from Turin, be able to maintain the balance between the soul of Ultimate and the desire to win the Italian Championship?
Molly begins a romance with Jack shortly after having her laptop repaired. Soon, Jack turns clingy and Molly breaks it off. Suddenly, her bank accounts are being drained, and she finds half-naked photos of herself posted online.
A hermit farmer discovers his late father's secret journal containing plans to a magnetic powered machine that could change the world, while unexpectedly becoming custodian of his gifted 6 year old nephew, after his mom's untimely death.
Hanpeita Takeichi, a samurai, finds that he has travelled through time to modern-day Japan. He's taken in by an old man who runs a cram school, and begins to work as a teacher there.
Three young Indian women in a conservative Muslim town seek to change their futures through education and self-determination. The opportunity to continue their schooling has opened up the possibility of a different future for Karishma, Apsana and Samira, but even as they prepare for final exams, their families threaten to pull them back into the prescribed roles of wives and mothers.
Riko lives in a small town in the middle of nowhere (Waikato, New Zealand). After aliens crash land near his house, an unlikely relationship develops. They are pursued by a fame-hungry blogger and alientologist who has tracked their movements and plans to reveal all to the world.
A hilarious and beautiful portrait of two brothers growing up. The film follows the brothers around for one summer capturing the nuances of pissing each other off.
Cop-turned-security guard Ma Xianyong finds himself in a criminal twilight zone when two unrelated events turn his world upside down. The mysterious disappearance of his boss has implications for his financial security. Even more perilous is the abduction of his paralyzed sister who, unknown to Ma, makes a morbid deal with her captors.
A journey behind the scenes of the Nickelodeon television network to chronicle its unprecedented success, from its humble origins as a small local channel to its status as an international phenomenon that helped shape an entire generation of children.
Twenty-one year old Ben is on a journey - to follow his TV-obsessed dad and explore how television consumption has evolved from one generation to the next.