Ainsley is a misanthrope who hates people but when she suddenly finds herself in isolation with no one to talk to, she realizes how much she actually misses connection. Enter Ulysses, a dead mouse in a jar. With a little bit of loneliness, a pinch of imagination, and a mouse-sized tuxedo, Ulysses becomes her training wheels in this newly discovered world of friendship.
Nick is a successful executive with a picture-perfect family, loving wife and adorable daughter. It looks like he has it all to his boss, Lisa, who desperately wants a child of her own. Lisa seduces Nick in his moment of weakness, hoping to remove his wife from the picture so she can fill her role as wife and mother. When Nick tries to break things off with Lisa, he finds himself in a dangerous game with her that threatens his job, his family and his life. Stars Laurie Fortier, Marc Herrmann, Kristi Murdock, and Matthew Pohlkamp
When a small-town cocktail-enthusiast decides to kill himself after being diagnosed with a terminal illness he must deal with the repercussion his choice has on his son and his community.
Based on true events and filmed in the actual haunted house upon which the script is based, A Savannah Haunting is a chilling supernatural thriller about a family that is torn apart by evil forces inside their new home.
After witnessing a murder in the gritty streets of 1950s Manhattan, newlyweds Suze and Arthur become the dangerous obsession of a greaser gang that awakens a sleeping quandary into the couple's sexual identity.
As a forestry student doing an internship, Anja Grimm ends up in that remote area in the Upper Palatinate Forest, where she went on vacation with her parents as an eight-year-old girl and her father disappeared without a trace. Her job is to take soil samples to create a soil map. At one point in the forest floor she comes across abnormal irregularities. Not long after their arrival, a brutal murder occurs. Anja soon arouses suspicion and hostility not only among the villagers with her suspicion that the perpetrator knows something about her father's fate and with her questions about the atypical soil composition in the forest clearing. Even the police react extremely reservedly to their investigations. And when it turns out that the young woman can read the signs of the forest like an open book, forces mobilize in the village who are apparently ready for anything because there is a dark secret that needs to be kept.
After reuniting, Sarah tells her brother Stephen that she's pregnant. Stephen will do his best to help raise it with her, even with many obstacles in the way.
Karen Williams, a trauma therapist, has witnessed firsthand the special courage that shapes those who work in emergency services. But when her husband, a career firefighter, returns from a life-changing blaze, and she discovers that a degree and years of counseling first responders has done little to personally prepare her to help her husband’s battle with PTSD. Unable to see a path to save her marriage, she turns to God and celebrates the truth that through Him all things are possible. Perhaps no one knows this better than the brave men and women who provide emergency services: the ones we call “first responders.”
Two terminally ill hospice residents conspire to make their spouses fall in love with each other to lessen the impact of their death. Things go awry when they themselves fall in love and one of them begins to feel better.
When a young mother, Kelli loses her infant son to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) she severs ties with her life and begins living in her car. Trying to process her grief in isolation, she runs into a teen mother, Esther and the two begin a journey of healing across the American West.
Sarah is a children’s book author who returns to her hometown, where she reconnects with her family and Travis, her teenage crush. She soon discovers that a long-held family legend might actually be true.
Louisa meets entrepreneur Steve at a bar. After 48 blissful hours, Steve disappears and Louisa realizes she's been cheated out of thousands of dollars. Louisa later learns she's pregnant and Steve has an identical twin, another romantic con artist.
Julie is adjusting to being a single mother to a grieving child while facing her first Christmas without her husband when she develops an unexpected friendship with her older neighbor Irene.
Chile, 1976. Carmen heads off to her beach house. When the family priest asks her to take care of a young man he is sheltering in secret, Carmen steps onto unexplored territories, away from the quiet life she is used to.