The scholar Wang Zifu fell in love with the girl Ying Ning at first sight. By coincidence, he found Ying Ning's residence and the two became husband and wife. The scholar's mother was afraid of Ying Ning. After learning that he was a fox demon, she separated the two of them
Axe Dangerfield is the only cop on the force with large enough cojones to put his foot down on the scum and villainy around, but having large cojones comes with a price, it comes with having a steel heart. Axe has been banished from the force and can't return until he learns to soften his cold steel heart
A small squad of rebel forces escape to a nearby outpost for safety, unknowingly, they are being pursued by secret police for their role in an incident.
How would you react if you were a Martial Arts expert, had a Katana in your hands, and your daughter had just been kidnapped. Under this premise, Sensei Marín launches a race against time with Nacho, his best friend.
On may 26th Game Changer Wrestling: Lifestyle is live on FITE+ straight from Silver Nugget Casino & Event Center in Las Vegas, NV. The full lineup is already stacked and you can check it below: Tag Team Match Matt Cardona & Steph De Lander vs Joey Janela & Sawyer Wreck GCW Ultraviolent Title Match Rina Yamashita (c) vs Cole Radrick Triple Threat Match Gringo Loco vs Komander vs El Hijo del Vikingo Six Man Tag Team Three Way Match Jack Cartwheel, Starboy Charlie & Titus Alexander vs Bussy (Allie Katch & Effy) & Mance Warner vs Los Macizos (Ciclope & Miedo Extremo) & John Wayne Murdoch Dark Sheik vs Blake Christian Maki Itoh vs Sandra Moone
Raav is a valiant soldier who also serves as a personal bodyguard for Maratha Army Commander in Chief Prataprao Gujar. Rambha is his childhood love, and when she is kidnapped, Raav saves her with his valour.
Bricks is back for revenge after the love of his life attempted to kill him and take his bag of money, which had a million dollars of his hard earnings. Bricks is about to bring havoc to any and everybody involved.
An elite group of spies, called Pigeons, deliver messages secured by a phrase. A former Pigeon, bent on revenge, turns an agent on his maker. Now the messenger becomes a deadly message.
The 2023 Under Siege was a professional wrestling event produced by Impact Wrestling. It took place on May 26, 2023, at the Western Fair District Agriplex in London, Ontario, Canada, and aired on Impact Plus and YouTube. It was the third event under the Under Siege chronology.
Moorkkasaamy and Bhoominathan are divided by caste yet bound together by a friendship originated during their school days. Havoc reigns when Moorkkan’s father is attacked and all clues direct to Bhoomi being the perpetrator and the circumstances put the lives of two friends in a turmoil.
After a quick and passionate courtship, newlyweds Rafer and Suzie soon discover that the other harbors a deadly secret sending them both on a course that will either save their marriage or end their lives. Some couples will love you to death.
The blackest and most evil painting in the world. In pursuit of its mystery, Rohan Kishibe, a manga artist with a special power, visits the Louvre in France. There, a number of horrifying events await him.