Benji, the protagonist, goes on a quest to Dr Banana's castle with his sidekicks to rescue Addie, one of the sidekicks that was kidnapped by Dr Banana, the antagonist, and to retrieve the Banana crystal that belongs to Dr Banana.
While his peers have all turned white, Katak is still small and grey. To prove that he has grown up and to grant the last wish of his adored grandma, Katak departs on a perilous journey to the Great North.
In this world of contract killers, Morgan Gaines is the best of the best. When Morgan is hired to kill six people around the world, he soon discovers all the targets are also assassins unknowingly hired to kill each other.
Western Pyrenees, year 778. When his land is threatened by the ruthless armies of the Frankish emperor, a Basque warlord asks for help from his ancestral gods.
An adventure of 5 friends, Kiko, Poli, Lola, Tingting and Patino to help a royal princess find five lost pearls in order to restore a broken kingdom. However, Kiko's expectations were wrong. The adventure he faced with his friends turned out to be difficult to complete because the villains were so strong and unmatched.
When GUTS-Select investigate mysterious disappearances, they learn it is work of an evil alien who intends to invade the Earth, called Professor Gibellus. However, just in time, a mysterious woman appears to help GUTS-Select.
A grandfather and curio shop owner in a small town in Arizona and his granddaughter are transported to a mystical land through a portal stone and have to find their way back.
The mountaineers Max Kroneck and Jochen Mesle book a one-way train ticket from Munich to Thessaloniki – and start their way back home by bike and ski. Along the route they explore the mountains of the Balkans, look for the most beautiful ski runs and get to know the local mountain communities.
Romy is a brave little girl. She has a budgie called Mimi and Mimi got lost. Romy’s determination to find her budgie brings her out into the ancient woods, where she meets all sorts of everyday characters, each with their own story. She’ll not only make new friends along the way, but mainly she enjoys her adventure.
After receiving consecutive calls from an unknown number for almost a week, Noah (Davin Broadhurst) and Claeg (Brandon Criswell) discover that the call has been coming from a retro payphone.
After a walk in the woods, Lily starts having constant nightmares. To free his sister from her night terrors, James and his friends venture to the mysterious forest. Some will survive...but none will forget what they saw.
The Secret Seam is a literal rip in the fabric of the universe. Nobody knows what it does, but there are those that are willing to kill others to find it, and the map to its location has just fallen in Jonathon Child's lap.
After tragedy strikes, Euan teams up with Lord Zargothrax the Chaos Wizard in attempt to take over the world. Our last hope comes down to Friend. Will he be able to stop Euan in time?
Hunting for black holes is a dangerous business and it's only getting deadlier. In this sequel to BackSpace, we find Hunter stepping through the black hole he's discovered. Adventure lurks around every corner...