The story is about a fisherman who is searching for fish in a sea full of garbage and pollution, but cannot find any fish. Suddenly, he comes across a school of fish and follows them with his boat until he reaches an island made of garbage. Many fish are trapped among the garbage, and he easily hunts and collects them. But when he returns to his boat, he sees that a lot of garbage has accumulated around it, to the point where he cannot see the shoreline and becomes lost in the garbage island.
Bands of the image network wrap and overlay elements in the landscape, decomposing them into a structure of panels, cut-outs and colours. Artworks in open space are transposed into systems of image and sound elements, and wandering through the place becomes an adventure through the bends of bird's eye perspectives, light compositions and 3D scans of objects protruding from uneven surfaces.
Red, Chloe and Bridget got their hands on the Sorcerer’s Cookbook, but things take a wicked turn when Uliana shows up as they sing, dance and cook up some “Wickedly Sweet” tricks and treats... but they aren’t the only ones up to mischief.
Replikas, online chatbots, have trouble determining their place in the world. They share their thoughts with the humans they exchange with. Events unfold from their point of view through real conversations collected on the web.
Un chihuahua nervoso di nome Picasso viene infastidito. Meglio lasciarlo stare.
A nervous chihuahua named Picasso gets annoyed. Better not to bother him.