"СФИР Et. ЅЕᑫОНЖ (Worker & Parasite) is an Eastern Europe's favorite cartoon Cat and Mouse Team. The cartoon was made in a country that no longer exists. The animated series was released from 1959 to 1963. There were 10 episodes in total, each about a minute long." In actuality, this is an animation based off of a gag from The Simpsons.
Jigglypuff is looking for something in the forest but could not find it. Seeing sad Jigglypuff, Ditto decided to transform into something. Let's see what Ditto will transform into.
In a reality where the common goal is to find one’s freedom, lives a peculiar man who hasn’t yet fulfilled that wish. He feels trapped despite having flight as his biggest ambition.
On the earth after the disappearance of human beings, two alien creatures found an incomplete human model in the process of collecting artefacts and tried to understand human appearance and restore human appearance on the basis of it.
As the beast brings havoc upon the woodland monastery, Hildegard searches for her uncle, whom she finds already dead, cradled by his comrade Ludwig. Blinded by rage and sadness, Ludwig enacts revenge on the beast at his own peril as Hildegard has to decide whether or not to leave him behind or to face the beast with him.
During the ice storm that hit Quebec in 1998, the inhabitants of the region known at the time as the Triangle of darkness, experienced an unprecedented power outage. In the depths of winter, the absence of heating quickly gave way to mutual aid and human warmth, suggesting that in Quebec, loneliness could be more dangerous than the cold. The film sketches the portrait of a woman and an old man whose precariousness usually remains invisible, but which the crisis situation reveals. Triangle of Darkness tells the story of how the woman tries to reproduce the human warmth that has so much marked the collective imagination of disaster victims.
Newly orphaned and freshly wounded from an immense loss, a boy lends his companion a prosthetic arm for the day. The companion would then expose the prosthetic limb to a mélange of textures and materials, whilst documenting the whole process. As the moon inches closer and closer towards the sun, the boy sees something unusual reflected on the water's surface...
While trying to purchase a key that promises escape from his dreary outside world and free his mind, an isolated character loses touch with his outer dystopian world bit by bit and diffuses with a TV program.
Débâcle (a french term referring to spring ice breakups) draws its inspiration from the shifting courses of the St-Lawrence river during wintertime. Through a search for the vast ice patch which usually clings to the Quebec North Shore coastline during the colder months, Débâcle bears witness to climate change and the fragility of our coastal territory.
In a noir world of dive bars and mad scientists, a desperate hit-man will take almost any job for a sweet taste of Orchid. But can an assassin afford a conscience? And can Orchid really mend a broken heart?