A repository of fashion, pleasure and instruction, HARPER'S BAZAR first appeared in 1867 as a weekly publication showcasing European fashion for prosperous women on the opposite side of the Atlantic. Lawrence Jordan uses these nascent materials (before the magazine expanded to an additional "A" to its masthead) as a starting-point for interrelated explorations.
Bug comes downstairs to eat breakfast with their partner, Wil, just to realize they have forgotten something big. They will need to call for help from some friends and keep it cool.
Superheroes play a leading role in many contemporary films, and Latin American animated films are not left out of this. This is evident in La Súper, the colorful first feature-length film by veteran Cuban animation filmmaker Ernesto Piña. Yudeisi is a young woman whose fight for justice makes her the chosen one for a series of superpowers. These do not come from technology or experiments, but from an aboriginal warrior who freed the inhabitants of her village 500 years ago and whose spirit resurfaces to fight for good. Yudeisi as a new defender uses her qualities to defend women from male violence.
Utopia Portals explores utopian concepts of belonging and ‘unbelonging’. Inspired by the Ashman’s first trip to her ancestral homeland of Jamaica, Utopia Portals uses a mix of animated loops, mobile phone footage and soundscapes recorded during her time on the island to create a series of short filmic ‘glitches’ of reality that reveal various forms of surreal hidden worlds. The piece is inspired by the idea of ‘heterotopia’: a concept put forward by the French philosopher Michel Foucault to describe certain cultural spaces that are somehow ‘other’: contradictory or transforming in nature. Utopia Portals delves into the dreams, desires, nightmares and reality of a “homecoming” to a home you are not connected to.
It was a miracle when David triumphed over Goliath on the battlefield, but after a devastating injury, is David still "The Giant Killer" with a gift from God? Or is he an old has-been?
In a post-apocalyptic world subjected to global cooling, several wars and the totality of everything that civilization has come to in its decline, where there is nothing but scorched earth and burned or frozen corpses, a match comes to life! A match that is looking for its owner, because its main purpose and the meaning of its existence is to warm someone by burning itself...
The summer of 1965. VGIK graduate Amen Khaidarov is going home to Alma-Ata. Here, on the train, he has an epiphany — he finds an artistic solution to the prelude of the future film.
“Archive of Trickster” weaves together physical and digital archival imagery relating to projects of urbanization at the mouth of the Humber. Working with personal interactions with the land as an archive, this film explores the past, present and future of the river.
Rugged ice sheets. Shapes in black and white, gently moving towards each other – softly concealing their potential threat. While the coast is in constant motion, a scientist recounts her unique experience of a winter on a ship stuck in Greenland’s ice.
In the morning, a schoolgirl carries boxed chocolate in her bag, nervous yet determined to deliver it to its intended recipient. By night, however, she has not followed through with her goal. There is still hope, as all she needed was a day's worth of time to muster up some courage. Overcoming her hesitation, the girl sends a decisive text message.
Inspired by the outrageous misconceptions and fear surrounding homosexuality which often results in shockingly absurd and stupid statements. In this short mockumentary, our protagonist tells us about his own experience attending a conversion therapy, as well as the surreal lies that society has convinced him to believe.