Year 2023. Two Spanish rulers head to Count Draculmont's castle, a place where sinister politicians who are dedicated to sowing panic among the citizens are hidden. Within its walls live creatures such as Doctor Sanchezstein, the Lovox Man or Count Draculmont himself, a vampire version of Carles Puigdemont. What are they planning? What secrets do they keep?
Shurik is trying to bring Tsar Ivan the Terrible home with the help of a time machine. But the VPN on which the miracle machine runs constantly breaks down and moves the would-be inventor and the tsar to different countries and times.
A group of junior high school reunion crew are gathering at Zaki's house for a grill reherseal, but Abdur is seeking a horror footage near Zaki's house.
An astronaut recreating Mars conditions in the US desert is saved by a couple of passing immigrants. A deadly negotiation ensues over the astronaut’s water, vital for both the astronaut’s humanity-saving mission and the immigrants’ hopes to survive their journey.
High School. Commonly referred to as the best years of one's life. In their latest "mockumentary", Green Fez takes you up close and personal with the high school students of today, guaranteeing a display of friendship, hardship, and a story worth exploring.
Five friends gather on a vacant lot to play soccer and explore the surroundings in hopes of finding useful items. One day, one of them finds one in particular that will change their story.