A man who mourns the murder of his daughter has the ability to travel back in time but there's a catch...he can't change the outcome of his own timeline and he can only travel to a very specific moment in time.
A strange quest for magical shroomies and extravagant treasures turns into terrific encounters with a mischievous diamond-loving fairy, unscrupulous gremlins and a thundering Vampirella Kinqueen. From desire to desire, how far will the adventure take us?
In 2025, South and North Korea unified. It was triggered by a sudden explosion in Midnight near the North of DMZ by a forest fire in December, 2024. The South Korean army unwittingly ended up helping to put out the fire. Such cooperation caused their unification. And 10 years later, A koreanAmerican Documentary Director Steven, working for USA tv-station NXN visits to korea. He is searching for information about the mysterical Green-light appeared in that forest fire in 2024. After some dangerous twists and turns, He found a huge secret of the DMZ fire and green light.
The fourth play in the 'Heli-X' series. When Sadness woke up, she was alone in a dimly lit place. A small ray of light illuminated the knife in her hand. When she looked at the ground, she saw a large pool of blood and a motionless body... A corpse with a face she recognised. Was Sadness the one who killed them?
An alien invasion is upon the earth and our four hero’s need to stop them! In this short film Cédric Knote wrote, directed and edited his first short film
After a love affair full of gaslighting comes to an end, Soojin is haunted by the green-lit girl she slept with in a drunken stupor the night before. Her body was glowing; she literally emitted green light. Soojin's friends scold her for losing her mind, but suddenly a UFO appears in the sky of Seoul and starts attacking everyone. Will Soojin be able to find the green girl in the middle of hell? The latest alien-invading sci-fi action-romance blockbuster from Jung Inhyuk, who has created his own genre by mixing minority stories with B-grade humor and clichés.