The Ace of Spades is a pub that travels throughout time, owned by a mysterious man named Ace, the pub receives three visitors every day from across various eras in Ireland’s history.
Modern scientists who were exploring in search of the 'Goddess of the Wind', which has been an old legend of Jeju, accidentally travel back in time to Tamra in the 1230s. Meanwhile, 'Yeong-deung', a girl of destiny prophesied by the legend of Tamra, meets 'Yoo-rang' while being chased by pirates who covet the 'spirit of wind' and escapes from danger. However, the pirates attack Tamra to claim the god that has the power to destroy the world, and the giant Dolhareubang robot 'Colossus' to stand up to the enemy appears in the waterfall... Will Yeong-deung, a girl of destiny with the power of the wind and a giant, be able to protect the god of wind?
A catastrophic train derailment sends the city spiraling into chaos. But the derailment is just the beginning. A biological gas attack sees crash survivors collapsing and dying within minutes. And the sickness is rapidly spreading.
Year 2145. The discovery of gravitonium allows humans to increase their physical and brain capacities tenfold, leading to a wave of intergalactic exploration that has led to colonies across the universe. In touch with new forms of life, the humans created "The Alliance," a special unit in charge of the regulation of resources and intergalactic conflicts. But the Saurian race, aliens dependent upon gravitonium, jeopardize the balance in the universe. When The Alliance's Espérance ship is attacked, two Alliance Space Agents are tasked to secure the ship. On board, the future of all mankind is at stake.
In this sci-fi rom-com karaoke musical, Stella, an undocumented Filipino in pursuit of a green card, goes on a karaoke date with a strange man who turns out to be an alien from outer space.
In the near future, when environmental disaster threatens humanity and oxygen is scarce, former baseball pitcher Satchel must fight to survive after turning her back on a group of violent murderers who are now hot on her heels.
A teenage boy with a psychological disorder is being sleep paralysed at a particular time period with a DEMON on the other side waiting to choke him dead. And on the other hand he is struck in a TIME-LOOP on the same day again and again. Will he be able to over come his complexity?
In a society where the government predicts the genetic intellectual capacity of every newborn child, a pregnant woman's fetus is rated a perfect, but unusual 10.
Life on the edge of a boy and a woman meet and unite, for a moment, among the rubble and solitude of one of the largest discotheques in Europe of the 1990s: Last Empire. Here, between the fog and the cold, the warmth of humanity seems to have almost disappeared, in the silence and in the spaces that, years before, had hosted the nights of a passionate youth.
Aisha and her ‘wannabe’ boyfriend, Caleb, meet two sociable guys, Bobby and Dom, at a campsite. Overnight, an all-encompassing fog falls around them and one-by-one they are consumed by it, fracturing the group’s physical and emotional well-being.