In the distant future, the last humanoid robot on the planet needs to recharge its battery. However, in this world, recharging, and thus survival, can only be done with the help of a “womb”, which contains some other unborn robot, placing the protagonist in an agonising, moral dilemma.
A scientist injects his lesbian best friend with a compound he's created to make her stop cheating on her wife (who is bi), but when the wife finds her new fixation suffocating, he injects the wife too, which backfires as she falls for him
Produced by Sonder for the Lost Weekend 48 Film Challenge organized by FILMREAKTER. The film was required to be sci-fi in genre, feature a toothbrush and the line "I warned you to never push that button"
Myka and Spyro have been dating online for a year when they decide to meet in person for the first time and discover that they live in alternate worlds, preventing them from being together.
Anna arrives in a remote area on the city border. A public telephone booth stands there as the last totem on earth. This is the official city limit. Anna plans to escape. But when the well-trained phone operator at the end of the line grows suspicious of her, Anna realises that the clock is ticking at her expense.
Amos, delving into his past, embarks on a journey to relive the conversations he shared with his late friend Vogel. In these nostalgic reunions, Amos immerses himself in memories that hold the unique essence of their relationship. As the memories unfold, an intriguing mystery is unveiled: the encrypted question Vogel sought to answer, "How long do clouds live?".
In 1980, a giant robot crash-land in the one-of-a-kind village ‘Punch Bowl’ located in the demilitarized zone near the 38th parallel! A remarkable blockbuster robot movie unfolds, depicting the life-or-death struggle of the health clinic doctor ‘Dojin,’ who is determined to protect the people of Punch Bowl from the ruthless attacks of the combined forces of South Korea and the United States, with the extraordinary giant robot ‘Cheol-i.’
Through the window, a housing estate. Memories before the farewell. The mysteries of the past mingle with the ghosts of the present. Starry nights come back to mind, when we searched for lives in the sky, and afternoons when every corner became an imaginary kingdom. Just yesterday, this place was the stage of childhood dreams.
Meet Dante, a bounty hunter marked for death by his former allies at the Cape Military Frontier, carrying with him the weight of a mysterious past and secrets of a darker future to come. Welcome to a world undone. The Earth we once knew is gone, destroyed by the greed and carelessness of man.
When a lone woman is attacked and brutally dismembered a chain of events is set off around the globe bringing a new form of evil into existence. With each full moon, the brutal attacks escalate, leaving behind a trail of torn bodies and terrified whispers of ancient curses.
After an Alien invasion, the invaders decide to convert humans to a work force... An underground resistor, the Ghost, has some special skills that helps in the fight.
Under the influence of his manipulative boss, a reclusive young man is trapped in a dark and illegal enterprise that will lead him to question his morality and the very identity he once believed to be his.
An elite trio of astronauts aboard a years-long, possibly compromised mission to Saturn's moon Titan, gears up for a highly dangerous slingshot manoeuvre that will either catapult them to Titan or into deep space.
The solar eclipse sends Simons from a fictional post-war city Vaken to modern-day Canada. During this day trip, his mind jumped back and forth between his ruined hometown by Nuclear Weapons and modern-day Toronto to examine the themes of variation (un-unity), reconstruction, and isolation.