Godzilla attacks Tokyo, in a last-ditch effort to end the carnage, scientists enlist the help of Jet Jaguar, a mechanical guardian. Will Jet Jaguar stop Godzilla's rampage or will Godzilla destroy Tokyo once and for all?
An unmanned spaceship returns to Earth carrying samples from Proxima B in the Alpha Centauri system. As scientists study the specimens they discover the alien elements are alive! Soon, the scientists must fight back as the small creatures replicate at an exponential rate, increase in size, turn violent and attempt to take over Earth.
Members of an elite security team deployed to rescue a VIP on an exclusive island.The rescue mission becomes a desperate attempt to survive, escape the island and elude the sinister presence that seeks to harm them.
From time immemorial to the age of space colonization, there is one legend that has stayed unchanged in every history book—the tale of the immortal bird Phoenix. A being whose blood is said to grant eternal life or wisdom, the radiant figure ensures the continuation of sentient life in the universe as it oversees human civilizations and their development. Yet, mankind remains a slave to its habits; from happiness and sorrow, to wrath and love, a myriad of emotions continue to play an integral part of human life. Simultaneously, time and time again, certain beliefs and agendas persist over the centuries to disturb the fragile equilibrium of the world's preordained nature and principles. It appears that fate and its dynamic variables can manifest itself in many ways—and oftentimes exhibits a bizarre sense of humor...
In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal mushroom organism. Forced on a journey through the wilderness to find a new bunker in which to continue their research, they come into conflict with an armed gang that uses a drug to delay the effects of the organism. The scientists want to find a more permanent solution, and have to fight for the very survival of humanity.
In postwar Japan, Godzilla brings new devastation to an already scorched landscape. With no military intervention or government help in sight, the survivors must join together in the face of despair and fight back against an unrelenting horror.
At her wedding reception, the beautiful but depressed Justine spots a red star in the sky. It is the planet Melancholia, which is on a collision course with Earth. The bridegroom Michael tries to calm her down with his love, her mother Gaby poisons her with her darkness, and her sister Claire attempts to rescue her with her solicitude. But no-one can stop the mysterious forces ignited within Justine. And Melancholia gets closer and closer…
In 1960 a secret rocket launch occurred, preceding the first manned flight into space. The spacecraft is damaged before it enters the orbit and crashes in the remote, frozen part of the world. After he comes to his senses, he realizes that it is the year 2023, and he remembers almost nothing about his life before flying into space. His only memory is the image of a girl from the past. He knows her, but she doesn't know him...
In the Tiburtino III neighbourhood, in the outer suburbs of Rome, a small asteroid falls from the sky. In the following days, almost everyone in the suburb starts behaving inexplicably oddly: they all suck AA batteries. An improbable group of young characters finds out that many have been infected by some parasites and the aliens intend to conquer the whole world.
Humans and an invasive alien species have come to a stalemate. Humans in rural areas can only survive at night with a shield built from alien tech. Marauders steal an older couple's shield power source and troubles begin.
In the near future, a micro-worker performs tasks that are suggested to her. Between data center maintenance and data processing, she hesitantly searches for ways to feel emotions. Devoid of social links, this world is saturated with data.