In the emptiness of her vacant house, a young woman encounters unsettling occurrences, leaving her bewildered and questioning their origin. What has transpired in her surroundings, and what mysteries lie concealed within her solitude?
Nina, a young and headstrong exotic dancer, finds herself stranded in the far North. She convinces her recent customers, five men on a bachelor hunting trip, to put her up for a few days. In this masculine microsociety, by turns hilarious and philosophical, Cynthia starts to feel a sense of belonging she never has before. But a mysterious stranger’s arrival changes the course of this improvised holiday forever. Both raw and dreamlike, Hunting Daze offers up a unique universe where humour, horror, the uncanny, and the sensual combine.
A young female artist who is struggling with her failing vision gets her Christmas wish: "a horse". With hopes that the new companion will help her daughter on her road to becoming blind, the mother rescues a blind Belgian draft horse. They will get help from a trainer who will not only teach the girl how to take care of her new horse, but how to move forward in life with a disability.
When drug addict Jason is forced to wear an ankle tracker and serve parole on a run-down ranch, he unexpectedly meets his veteran grandfather, Griff, whom Jason thought was dead. Trapped together, the two men wrestle through their bitterness, as enemies close in to collect a long overdue debt.
At Her Feet follows the heart-pounding journey of two college archeology interns and their Hawaiian guide as they race against time to save precious artifacts threatened by a volcanic eruption. This high-stakes adventure, paired with stunning visuals, guarantees an unforgettable viewing experience for the whole family.
A dystopian world where Black Panther meets School Daze. Disgraced and Exiled, King Octavious is forced to be the leader he was bred to be in a world that has lost it's way. Set in Post Apocalyptic Dallas in the year 2097, people of African descent are the loan survivors of a global plague that killed 99.999% of the world's population. Instead of unifying in their similarities, the citizens of New Dallas have been torn apart due to their only difference...
A woman takes her boyfriend for granted and finds out the hard way what love really is when she chooses someone over him and he chooses someone over her, both of them living different paths.
When Wendy goes to rehab, Latisha and Melissa are forced to return to the house of horrors with their grandmother. However, this time, Willie has someone else in his sights. And this time, not everyone makes it out alive.
When a friend group is torn apart by betrayal, they decide to settle their differences in the most old school of ways. Leaving their modern home of Los Angeles, they embark on a bizarre adventure that seemingly takes them back in time across an underground cave river. Cocaine. Existentialism. A four hundred and fifty pound pig. True love. Cosmic jokes. Mexico?
Happily married Jessica has accepted that she is going to die from a terminal illness, and isn't afraid of death. Her real fear however, is her husband Reginald falling back in love with his ex Rebecca, and stealing the life she built.
A rent hike forces Lamar to consider transporting drugs for shady dealer Sean. A watchful detective sniffs them out, and a money shortage with Sean throws their risky plan into chaos. Can they outrun the cops and fix the mess before it's too late?