While on a flight home from Colombia, the plane that Dr. Carrie Ross and her daughter are on is attacked by bullet ants whose sting is the most painful and deadliest on the planet. Joining forces with air marshal Ethan Hart, Dr. Ross, an entomologist, tries desperately to save the flight from disaster. In the end, their struggle brings them closer together and offers the couple hope for the future.
This is a Twilight Zone type story that involves five soldiers out on a mission. And they soon find themselves stuck in a foxhole in an apparently deserted camp. Then strange things begin to happen. For one they are surrounded by strange creatures shrouded in black who do not fire on them or attempt to hurt them in any way but still they stay out there watching, almost as if waiting for something. And this, along with other things that happen, cause these men to question weather they are alive or dead. And that is where their struggle begins. Exploring the age old question of fate and if it is something that is written in stone or is it something we as people can affect. One by one, four of these five men give in to fate as it were and walk off into the woods never to be seen again, but Captain Jason Briggs will not give up for any reason and in the end it is up to him alone to fine out if he can truly change his own fate.
About a race of alien robots that have conquered Earth and forced humanity underground. After 400 years, a small group of humans develop a plan to defeat the mechanical invaders in the ultimate battle between man and machine.
A teenage girl living in California suburbia devises a metaphysical experiment designed to save the world from what she sees as an impending doom...but the results of such an experiment prove to be both beneficial and destructive.
A departing professor gathers his closest colleagues for an intimate farewell, but the night takes an unexpected turn when he shares a stunning secret about his past. As the conversation unfolds, skepticism and curiosity collide, challenging everything they thought they knew about history, science, and belief.
When a young ski team training for the Olympics arrives at the remote and isolated Lost Mountain Ski Resort to focus on training, they're thrilled to find a retired Olympic skier is there to help them train. But their plans are halted when a scientist working at a nearby government lab arrives with the horrifying news that a top secret Government project has produced giant spiders and they have escaped, killing and eating everything in sight.
Someone is dognapping the canine citizens of Chem City, Texas! Two pre-teen girls overcome danger and conspiracies as they set out to solve the crime and administer justice with the help of a magical bracelet. As the girls battle the Mob, a punk gang and a crooked cop they learn something about friendship, courage and hanging with the right crowd.
Charlotte, an alienated sound engineer, travels to the country home where her mother was just murdered. She is quickly frustrated by the lack of progress in the police investigation and so begins her own. While listening to a fresh sound recording she made in her mother's house, Charlotte discovers a strange phenomenon, she can hear sounds from the past in her headphones. Soon she is using this ability to hear the past to piece together the last few days of her mother's life, drawing ever closer to discovering who killed her, even as the murderer returns to try and eliminate Charlotte before they are discovered.
Linda is trapped when the nuclear power plant in which she works threatens a meltdown, while her girlfriend takes on a major storm which could destroy their island home.
A group of utility workers are trapped in a series of tunnels which, unfortunately, contain a scientist mutated by his own creation. The creature feeds instantly on a rat, becoming what it has eaten.
After being brutally assaulted, an incident which also saw the death of his parents and the rape of his younger brother (which mentally scarred him to the point of having to be institutionalized), Maco Gutierrez has devoted his life to fitness and practicing martial arts to ensure his safety in the future.
The peoples of the world has finally managed to agree on the most important issues on the planet and there was long overdue balance. Signed an agreement to terminate development of weapons of mass destruction, but in secret all the superpowers continue to build up military power on classified sites, which seemed never existed. Goodwin, a former commander of special forces, is tasked to collect his former people responsible for the mission. Something very serious has happened to the base where secretly working to develop a new combat the virus, and more recent cohorts, who have almost nothing left in common, have come together again...
Tony, the owner of a small fantastic film video shop, has found out that at times reality can defy science-fiction. The time has come to embark on a trip to a place nobody has ever been to before.
A private jet crashes in the Sierra Mountains leaving seven survivors stranded in a torrential snow storm. With no rescue team in sight, the group decides to search for the plane in hopes of fixing the radio to call for help. But what they find instead is an alien creature that multiplies itself rapidly. The extraterrestrial beasts have a barbed-like tongue and are able to pull their victims into their razor sharp teeth to shred human flesh like a haywire garbage disposal. But the survivors won t go down without a fight!
It's fear that they seek! Dr. Schroder listens to her criminally insane patient as he recounts the story of the murder of his four friends. Chip implants, government mind control, Russian military, and Alien visitors form the puzzle pieces of this science fiction thriller. A search for the answers leads to the mind-bending truth...it's our fear that they seek. The Aliens are HERE and they show only disgust for what the human race has become.