An old singer coaches a young woman whom he believes will be the next singing sensation. As she starts off with her career, their bond gets stronger. An adaptation of George L. Du Maurier's novel "Trilby"
Sultry college dropout Annie Burroughs moves in with her older sister Marsha and proceeds to break up the relationship between Marsha and her live-in boyfriend David Mitchell so Annie can begin a sensuous love affair and have David all for herself.
The fairy tale story of the actress who became a princess is told in this biography that traces her rise from Philadelphia socialite to Hollywood movie star.
Wallace a wealthy landowner in Meriwether County, Georgia, has virtually unlimited power in the county, including having the sheriff under his control. When he murders a share cropper he thinks that he is powerful enough to get away with it. Because the act of murder took place in Coweta County, it is under the jurisdiction of the Coweta County sheriff who hunts the murderer without trepidation.
Fr. Hugh O'Flaherty is a Vatican official in 1943-45 who has been hiding downed pilots, escaped prisoners of war, and Italian resistance families. His activities become so large that the Nazis decide to assassinate him the next time he leaves the Vatican.
Two one-act plays explore love and loneliness. In "Table by the Window" an aging fashion model contrives a reunion with her ex-husband, a politician ruined by scandal, and their passion is rekindled. In "Table Number Seven" a meek woman harbors a secret love for a man accused of fraud and sex offenses, forcing her to take a stand for the first time in her life.
Bound together by a desire to play "Mazes and Monsters," Robbie and his four college classmates decide to move the board game into the local cavern. Robbie loses his mind, and the line between reality and fantasy fuse into a harrowing nightmare.
On a bet with one of his practical-joking partners, a Los Angeles lawyer responds to an ad from a pretty Chicago magazine writer offering herself as a bridal candidate as an investigative reporting assignment, and then makes another bet that he can keep the relationship platonic for two weeks.
A lady marine biologist, determined to save herself until marriage, meets a handsome attorney who is not used to being rejected sexually, and it becomes a battle of wills as to who will emerge the winner.
After starring in "The Sacketts", Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott team up again but this time as Mac and Dal Traven, in a movie based on a classic Louis L'Amour novel. They are brothers, who meet up at the end of the Civil War fighting on opposite sides. They go home only to find their family in dire need and their sisters and brother kidnapped by ruthless raiders. They set out to rescue their family.
A daughter of Hatamoto (high-ranked soldier) Otsuyu (Akiko Kana) and a Ronin living in Choya (cheap apartment) Shinzaburo Hagihara (Yoichi Hayashi) fell in love with each other. They could not see each other for a while, but Otsuyu visited Shinzaburo's place late at night, led by a servant Oyone (Shoko Yagi). Tomorrow night and next night as well.
Two young kids in love, one young graffiti artist and the other a foster-child, find trouble on the mean streets on the other side of the river in New York City. Officer Charles Banks finds young Danny tagging subway cars and then catches Teiresa selling drugs for another mislead teen, Kirk. The officer, instead of turning both of them in, gives both teens a chance to make more of their lives together. Changing their ways turns out to be more challenging than first thought.