The protagonist, Tsukiko Yahisa, enrolled to a school that was recently changed from all-boys school to co-ed. Since the area where the school is conveniently rural and the rather exclusive curriculums the school has, up until now the protagonist is the only one female who enrolled to the school.
In Starry Sky, the 13 constellations of the Zodiac are personified into handsome young men. The anime will be directed by Kiyomo Sayaka who worked with Vampire Knight. Similar to Hetalia - Axis Powers, Starry Sky's anime will be distributed through the website and other means.
On a desert island lives a starving hyena with one obsession: devour that delicious mermaid from the rock in the lagoon. But the lovely fish-girl’s best friend is a shark, a shark with a lot of muscle and who loves to sabotage the hyena’s every move.
Follow the adventures of happy-go-lucky Ella as she uses her boundless creativity and infectious enthusiasm to solve everyday problems in spectacularly innovative ways. A warm, humorous mix of fun and laughter about charismatic, creative Ella and the playful kids and eccentric adults in her life.
Imprisoned for 10,000 years for waging war on Earth, the evil Dark Lord is set to be released if the magical weapons that keep him trapped, the 12 Zodiac Stones, are destroyed. Power-hungry megalomaniac, Dr Grey, wishes to recruit the Dark Lord as his enforcer to help him reign over Earth. He sets off to find the stones with the help of the 12 Zodiac Robots or ZobotZ, which he co-built with ex-partner, Dr Charles. Each ZobotZ represents an animal in the Chinese horoscope, endowed with its powers and weaknesses. He only manages to steal 6 of the 12 ZobotZ. Now, only Dr Charles' assistant, Sky, is able to stop Dr Grey from achieving his evil goal with the help of the remaining 6 ZobotZ. An epic battle between good and evil ensues.
Pop culture's deadliest characters fight to the death! Experts Wiz and Boomstick analyze the fighters' weapons, armor, and skills to find the decisive, unquestionable winner. It's your dream match-ups come to life!
Have you ever wanted to see Jack Black interviewed by cartoon characters? Now's your chance. Step brothers Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher have an animated talk show set complete with a desk, chairs and skyline backdrop. Each episode, a celebrity (in live-action form) takes a seat on the cartoon set and answers questions posed by the titular pair.
The spinoff is set in a parallel world known as Shin Jigen (Shin Dimension). The titular Shin-men team is composed of five heroes with supernatural powers symbolized by fire (Gou), water (Sui), wind (Hyuu), greenery (Nyoki), and iron (Kan). Together, they fight against their enemy, the evil pigs of Ton-Men.
The adventures of the elite G.I. Joe unit, whose members: Duke, Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Roadblock, Tunnel Rat and Ripcord were charged with crimes they did not commit. In order to clear themselves of the charges, they must expose the real culprits, who belong to the powerful corporation COBRA Industries.
Roll out with Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Arcee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, and the rest of the heroic Autobots as they battle the evil Decepticons. Now that big bad Megatron has returned with a mysterious and dangerous element, Team Prime must prepare for an epic battle.