Former crime boss John Gilligan discusses his infamous stint in the Irish underworld, including his trial for the murder of crime journalist Veronica Guerin.
Get the inside story on the shooting of Megan Thee Stallion. Told from two perspectives, insiders and legal experts look at how Tory Lanez still protests his innocence and examine why Megan was vilified on social media despite her terrifying ordeal.
This seven-hour miniseries explores the foundations of the greatest empires of all time and the incredible stories of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra.
The story behind the rise and fall of Bob Guccione, at his height one of the wealthiest men in America, who made millions with Penthouse magazine by taking on Playboy and pushing the world of adult entertainment further than ever before.
A high-stakes, character-driven docuseries that uncovers the devotion and resilience of Overtime Elite’s (OTE) players and coaches through every loss and victory—on and off the court.
Marty Morrissey and Liz Gillis uncover the work of Ireland’s photographers. Focusing on a different archive, they travel the country, uncovering the stories behind the pictures.
We explore the untold story of the sizeable British contingent of David Koresh's Branch Davidian cult, and their experiences during the 51 day ordeal at Waco and its storming by the FBI in 1993.
Today's activists are on a virtual frontline. Some of the biggest social movements of recent decades started as hashtags. #BlackLivesMatter got millions of people worldwide to go and protest and #MeToo put Harvey Weinstein behind bars. Writer and feminist Tessel ten Zweege (25) also ventures into the virtual landscape of cyberactivism, in which she particularly speaks out for women's rights. Yet she increasingly wonders how effective cyberspace is as a battleground for her social activism. In the 3Lab: Tessel in Cyberspace she investigates how effective so-called hashtag activism actually is.
In Langs de IJssel, Huub Stapel follows the IJssel, the most idiosyncratic river in our country. It does not flow from East to West like other rivers, but towards the North. Huub investigates the role this river plays in the landscape, its history and the lives of the people who live on its banks.
There is a famine for the Word of God! Even though more than 100 million copies of the Bible are sold yearly worldwide, few people really understand its staggering endurance, historical accuracy, dependability, and wonderful power to transform lives. According to one Barna study, only half of Americans believe the Bible was truly inspired by God—no wonder we’re seeing such a dramatic breakdown in values today!
Meet guide dogs in training, and their owners, including a 16-year-old Paralympic skiing hopeful, and a six-year-old Golden Retriever who's part of Guide Dogs' breeding programme.