A cutting-edge dialogue from NHK WORLD-JAPAN's New York studio. Covers the hot issue: from politics, economy, social matters, international situation or cultural topics.
The Emmy®-winning documentary series is now on SHOWTIME, delivering immersive reporting from the frontlines of global conflicts, civil uprisings and beyond, and tackling untold and complex geopolitical stories from all corners of the globe.
A weekly overview of events happening in Russia and the world! From the U.S. election results to the outcome of the war in Karabakh, European sanctions, COVID-19 statistics, journalist detentions, new laws, and much more!
How can we mindfully move through a crisis while holding on to ourselves and our humanity? In this series, Oprah has remote conversations with experts and everyday people to provide insight, meaning, and tangible advice for the human spirit.
"Utakmicu po utakmicu" is a podcast in which experienced sports journalists and commentators comment on matches and current affairs in a relaxed atmosphere.
The only weekly Star Wars news show direct from Lucasfilm headquarters, featuring the latest headlines, big announcements, exclusive reveals, and trivia.
War Room: Pandemic is the first and most comprehensive program to bring the most up to the minute information on the coronavirus pandemic and the news of the day. Stephen K. Bannon, Raheem Kassam, Jack Maxey, and Vish Burra bring medical experts, politicians, business leaders, and those on the front lines for a comprehensive look at the latest news from all and provide their insider insights.
A news show hosted by Kiryu Coco in which she summarizes the events of the day before. Coco-Kaichou often pitches products as commercial breaks such as her drug AsaCoco which can be inhaled, injected or consumed as a drink. It is tradition to watch Cocos AsaCoco Live News and afterwards Tsunomaki Watames "Watame no Uta" (early morning karaoke format with viewer rock-paper-scissor).