Four young men living with intellectual disabilities move out of home to live independently. In a flat with no parents and no rules, there is fun, games, and an avalanche of challenges ahead! Made with the support of NZ on Air.
A sudden shipwreck traps a tour group on a remote island far from civilization. Seven men, four women, and a child are forced to survive in the wilderness. With scarce freshwater and food, and the constant dangers of the jungle, their will to live is put to the test. However, the greatest threat comes from within—the test of human nature and a mysterious conspiracy. Is this catastrophe an act of nature, or a sinister human plot? The terror in the jungle gradually intensifies and spreads.
A family story that reveals the experience of a former American football player who has become an unfortunate shoe store manager. We will accompany you on your adventures with your wife, children and neighbors. Love, friendship, family dynamics and a lot of humor in one broadcast!
We meet the men and women who came face to face with some of the world's most notorious murderers yet escaped with their lives. Featuring extraordinary first-hand testimony from the survivors, alongside commentary from criminologists and forensic psychologists, this series shares real-life stories of abduction, torture and rescue, providing a unique insight into the behaviour of convicted killers from those who managed to escape them.
Under the helm of esteemed director Jorron Lee Monroy, "Shining Inheritance" unfolds the dazzling optimism and determination of Inna to reach her dream of owning a restaurant someday. However, her journey becomes more challenging than ever with the collapse of their family business following her father's passing.
Mixing top grooming tips and cheeky banter, we look at the seven most popular facial hairstyles in the UK. All this under the guidance of Dan Gregory, one of the U.K.'s top Barbers. Featuring Actor, Martyn Luke and Model, Dan Clack. Campaign by Wilkinson Sword.
Great loves, strong friendships, betrayals, fights and many more unexpected developments will disrupt the lives of many different people who came together on the occasion of a bar inArchelaou 5. A bar that, despite the fact that it will be the target of many, will continue to operate without interruption and constantly change everyone's life and everyday life.