In Familieklap, the brand new podcast for and by "Familie" Fans, presenters Nona 't Jolle and Yoren Linsen look back on the past week together with one actor every week. What surprising plot twists emerged? Are there any hints or clues we missed? And which scenes left the viewer open-mouthed?
Australia's most renowned interviewer, Leigh Sales, mentors Autistic journalism students as they learn their craft and interview well known Australian personalities.
A professional comedy talk show competition program, the program invites outstanding stand-up artists at home and abroad to share happiness, convey a positive attitude to life and comedy spirit.
Comedian Jason Manford hosts an exciting brand new fast-paced quiz show, where three couples face a series of 50/50 questions which hurtle The Answer Run down towards them.
Camilla Kvartoft and Leif GW Persson take on the hottest questions and the forgotten cases, with sharp analyses, initiated conversations and exclusive guests.
It’s a talk show like no other: one question, two guests and the man everyone agrees is this country’s least experienced interviewer. The question? If your house was about to be destroyed, what two things would you save?