Explore the life and crimes of Hadden Clark, a lesser-known serial killer. Dive into the inner workings of the volatile and dysfunctional Clark family, Hadden's path of depravity, and the shocking confessions he made to his cellmate that sent investigators on a search to solve the cold cases allegedly linked to him.
Five days before Christmas in 1984, Jonelle Matthews went missing from her own living room in the small town of Greeley, Colorado. In an attempt to find Jonelle, her face appeared on milk cartons. Nearly 34 years after her disappearance, her remains were finally found about 20 miles away from her home.
J.K. Rowling’s orphan boy wizard took the world by storm, but before the first book was even published Warner Brothers had their eye on a franchise. But how to make it soar? In a leaky shed in the UK, these cinematic wizards build a whole new world and changed filmmaking forever. Through a revolving door of directors, an assortment of magical creatures, increasing demand for visual effects, and a cast that is growing up, the Harry Potter series continued to fascinate audiences. Get behind the wand to hear the secrets of the trials, threats, and near-death experiences from the people who made the magic happen on Icons Unearthed: Harry Potter.
Will tell the stories of adventurous explorers, scientists and filmmakers with never-before-used technology as they embark on their mission, tackling challenges that arise from seeking to solve some of the ocean’s greatest outstanding mysteries.
Disasters can strike anywhere, anytime. Expert analysis of the available evidence is used to recreate real-world disasters in cutting-edge 3D graphics. We can dissect them, peel back the layers, and even freeze time to reveal a disaster’s hidden and surprising causes-- a paperwork error, a bad glue job, or changing a restaurant’s opening hours. Whatever it is, "Disaster Autopsy" will uncover it.
Gangland Chronicles offers an inside look at some of the world’s most notorious criminal organizations. Each episode explores three legendary moments from a specific underworld group, ranging from mafias and cartels to motorcycle gangs and prison gangs. The series spotlights lucrative money-making rackets, deadly turf wars, iconic mob hits, crafty informants, and federal takedowns. Featuring infamous gangsters such as Al Capone, Pablo Escobar, El Chapo, John Gotti, Whitey Bulger, and Sonny Barger. Interviews with journalists, authors, and former members of these organizations offer an exclusive window into the inner workings of these groups.
There are hundreds of thousands of suspicious deaths in the U.S. every year. When there is nowhere else to turn, families and law enforcement count on forensic pathologists for answers. Part detective, part physician, and part advocate for the dead, pathologists work closely with investigators to crack the highly questionable cases. Using the autopsy and clues from the victim’s own body, they’ll uncover how the victim died and if it truly was an unfortunate event—or something far more sinister.
Thomas Randolph has been married six times, and four of his wives are dead. Several died under mysterious circumstances, leading some to call the Nevada man a “Black Widower.” Is Randolph really a calculated killer, or is he simply unlucky in love?
This series reveals recent natural disasters as they happened in real-time through footage captured by eyewitnesses who found themselves in the wrong place at the right time and boldly held up their camera phones to capture the eye of the storm.
Researchers Dr. James Sulikowski and Beckah Campbell aim to solve the mystery of where the elusive pregnant scalloped hammerheads give birth using the latest underwater ultrasound and birthing tag technology, and it's closer than you realize.
There’s a growing population of aggressive white sharks in an unlikely location, Canada. Andy Casagrande heads out on an expedition along Nova Scotia’s coast to determine if this new population could be the largest in the world.
Alison Towner and her team investigate a new great white hot spot off the coast of South Africa. Equipped with cutting-edge fin cameras, tracking tags and underwater surveillance, researchers unveil unusual behavior in these massive great whites.
The story of the tug of war between Marvel and Sony and how two studios found a way to share the character and the profits. Spider-man's journey to the screen overcomes bankruptcy, multiple lawsuits, reboots, and unrealized potential.
This documentary series follows Dr. Sasha Reid and her secret society who share a common obsession — the dark psychology of those who commit harm and the desire to protect those that law enforcement has ignored. They band together to work outside the system to protect the vulnerable, solve cold cases, and dive into the dark minds of killers using forensic expertise and world-class data skills. Their motto is to have compassion first, but let the evidence lead.
Shark experts Dr. Riley Elliot and Kori Burkhardt conduct a one-of-a-kind shark competition to determine which male great white is the alpha in the pack. To see who has the most swagger, they test the sharks' speed, hunting ability and fearlessness.
Three recent bull shark encounters in the heart of Sydney Harbor leave the city on edge. Shark attack survivor Paul de Gelder returns to the exact location where a bull shark nearly took his life to determine the cause for the spike in attacks.
A spike in attacks on sea lions off the coast of Southern California sends shark researchers searching for an oversized, aggressive mako shark they believe could have family ties to the legendary record-breaking mako called "The Beast".
The "Shark Attack 360" team of experts hunt for clues to investigate why sharks bite humans. Hosted by marine biologist Diva Amon, the series seeks to unravel the surprising threads that link each shark encounter. As the evidence mounts, the team analyze the data in their cutting-edge VFX shark lab and face life-size virtual sharks.