One hundred days before the university entrance exams, Chang Ke Ai and Yang Zi Hao made a bet in high school. If they are admitted to the same university, she will carry his schoolbag for an entire year! Unexpectedly she had to give up her dreams of university to pay off a family debt. Ten years later, they are just across the street, but in two different worlds. Yang Zi Hao is an executive vice president of "Gorgeous Department Store", while Chang Ke Ai is a street vendor who helps her mother sell clothes at a market. When they meet again, will they remember the bet from ten years ago?
What happens when you return from a family holiday to France and open the boot to find a Syrian refugee where your luggage was supposed to be? That’s the situation facing new couple Peter and Katy when they get back to Dorking from their first family holiday with Katy’s young son John, who has spent the journey from Calais winding up his would-be stepdad. Their unexpected passenger is a bloke called Sami who hopes to claim asylum in Britain.
Meet Mike, a pug who’s in love with the neighbour’s dog. Sadly, his plans to win Iris’ heart never seem to work out as trouble-making furry intruders always manage to interfere.
After being diagnosed with a terminal illness, Caco Vidal abandons his fancy life full of luxuries to start over again, not knowing that he will arrive in a very special place that is directly linked to his family's past.
Kannan and Kinjal (late 20s), newly married (and a baby on the way), decide to move out of their small New York City apartment to be close to Kinjal's Sister in Metro Park, New Jersey. Their lives take a drastic turn as they realize that they must adapt to a new way of life where their neighbors are all Indian and there is nothing called privacy.
A trouble magnet in love, school, and family, these five young people overcome every difficulty by holding on to each other and continue to move forward together, keeping the promise they made when they were children. Having left behind the challenging university exam marathon, the gang meets again in Istanbul as they go through various events.