The second planet from the sun, Venus, with its toxic overheated surface, has long been neglected by planetary mission planners. Lately, Earth's sister planet has taken center stage in one of the greatest quests in science today: the search for life-bearing exo-planets across the Milky Way galaxy. This quest hinges on several essential questions: Why did planet Earth live, and why did Venus die?
Ewout Genemans walks with the police in Eindhoven. He gives a close-up view of the work of a policeman and everything that goes with it. How does the police act in certain situations and why? And what is it like as a person behind the uniform to do work that everyone has an opinion about? This is a follow-up series by Bureau Burgwallen, Amsterdam.
Submarines today are highly complex machines crammed with technology and weapons. As impressive as their construction is, as terrifying is their destructive power. Hardly any other weapon triggers as many emotions as the submarine. It strikes from ambush and can use nuclear missiles to drag the whole world into the abyss.
Submarines originated from a completely non-military idea, namely to be able to view the world under water. But the interest in the military use of submarines soon prevailed.
Travel to the ice mountains of Chile to discover the secrets of the puma, the area’s biggest and most elusive predator. Discover how this mountain lion survives and follow the dramatic fate of a puma mother and her cubs. Narrated by Uma Thurman.
Nordic territories and their pristine wilderness have always nourished imagination and timeless tales. The Wild North is dominated by earthly forces and natural elements that dictate life and the relationship local populations have to nature and inspire their culture. Take an adventure spreading over four breathtaking countries at the heart of five iconic territories.
Flo searches for answers that she asks herself while scrolling the internet. Questions that you do not immediately find in normal FAQ lists, but according to Flo belong there.
Historic places, forgotten, threatened and threatening at the same time. Made of steel, poured in concrete or blasted out of a mountain, yesterday's monuments from the great eras of history come alive again.