The Bo Bolu Expedition Team is composed of six children who are brave to explore and love science. They go to the sky to the universe, dive to the bottom of the sea, and shuttle between deserts and rainforests. Bo Bolu's footsteps have crossed the entire planet and happened. A thrilling and interesting story! The six friends not only share knowledge from the real world, but also break the routine and experience some things that seem incredible in reality!
Ji-Young (Lee In-Hye) has a bright personality. Due to a difficult situation, she becomes a surrogate mother. With her bright personality, she gets through hardships and struggles to obtain happiness.
Mammagalan är en helt ny gala på den svenska tv-himlen. Samma dag som vi firar våra egna mammor med rosor och kärleksgåvor får vi en unik utblick i världen där vi kan möta mammor med helt andra förutsättningar. Det här är en kväll där världens mammor står i centrum. Där vi får möta det magiska och underbara med moderskapet, men också mödrars utsatthet i stora delar av världen. Vi kommer att se kämpande mammor, lyckliga mammor, mammor som saknar hopp och mammor där livet har vänt till det bättre. Under galan kommer Det stora mammapriset att utses, populära artister att uppträda och vi får följa mammor i Tanzania, Sydafrika och Bangladesh i dokumentära inslag. Under kvällen kommer svenska folket ha möjlighet att bli månadsgivare – och därmed stötta Läkarmissionens långsiktiga arbete att förändra fram
In 1940s Egypt, a princess trying to prove her innocence after being accused of killing her husband receives help from his brother, which leads to them falling in love.
The series revolves around two people who hate each other but their families want them to marry. They make some plans to cancel their wedding but slowly get in love.
The Panchatantram is an ancient Indian collection of interrelated animal fables in Sanskrit verse and prose, arranged within a frame story. The surviving work is dated to about 200 BCE, but the fables are likely much more ancient. The text's author is unknown, but it has been attributed to Vishnu Sharma in some recensions and Vasubhaga in others, both of which may be fictitious pen names. This has made in to a show by ETV Telugu.
When the Mighty Thanos arrives and threatens to destroy Earth, the Black Panther leaps into action! Unfortunately, his heroics bring trouble to his homeland of Wakanda.
The world-famous talking moose and flying squirrel are back in The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, a comedy about two goofball friends who end up in harrowing situations but end up saving the day time and again. As their silly ambitions dovetail with Fearless Leader's sinister plans to take over the world, they are set on a collision course with his notorious super spies Boris and Natasha.
Three women, three stories, one friendship. In “Old Friends”, we follow the conflicts of Lurdinha, Violeta and Maria Antonia. Their story take place in the present day and in the past, between 1970’s – 2018.
After being fired from her job at a TV home shopping channel, Ha-Nee decides to start her own fashion company and soon becomes involved with Han-Kyul, a merchandiser for the shopping channel.
The Huber and Leitner families were once closely linked. However, since the fatal accident of the youngest Leitner son, tragically caused by the head of the Huber family, the two Allgäu mountain farming clans have been deep enemies.
Pantagarn, hi-so godlike, has the label of tragically handsome. Everywhere he appears, tragedy ensues. His looks and personality are complete opposites, no one can handle him, except his father. Pantagarn doesn't care about anyone, anyway. His father pushes him out of his life so he can enjoy his new life, with new family. Pantagarn believes that his step mother and her children weren't enough to come and take his father fortune, but now they have included her niece in this money sucking. Who did they think they were? Pantagarn won't have it. The target is Prapai, the young girl who dares to defy him. Since this girl is defiant and knows no limits, he will punish her, or will punishment turn into something else?