A table, a blue light, two men, the night, and words were the only elements with which he wanted to attract the attention of the intelligent and sensitive viewer, tired of artifice and rubbish.
Through the Bible with Les Feldick is a 30-minute walk though the Scripture. Les Feldick taught home-style Bible classes for over 20 years. Through the Bible with Les Feldick is a television series produced by KWGB-TV in Tulsa, Oklahoma and hosted by Les Feldick, airing nationwide in syndication.
The Marsha Warfield Show is an American daytime talk show that aired for two seasons on NBC from 1990 to 1991. Comedian and actress Marsha Warfield served as host.
An ironic and comic trial, in five episodes, of the history of the Sanremo Festival, demystifying the most solemn musical event on Italian television. The "judge" Renzo Arbore presides, together with "Prosecutor" Michele Mirabella and "Defense attorney" Lino Banfi.