The commentators for the Latest Insights on Japanese History delve into the periods from the beginnings of written history to the end of the Edo period.
Chris Wallace, one of the most highly-respected journalists of our time, in candid conversations with prominent individuals across the spectrum of news, sports, entertainment, art and culture. Wallace moves outside of politics to include his wide range of interests – from interviews to conversations, and from headlines to smart, sensible, in-depth discussions. He seeks light, not heat.
The show is centered around a fictional 'relearning project for adults,' aimed at creating an app for adults who want to update their knowledge. The members discuss what kind of content should be included in the app and how the current textbooks differ in content from the past.
There is a wedding hall next to Mr. Tahmasb's new house, to which he has recently moved. So new puppet characters, most of whom are the staff of this wedding hall, are added to his life and figure out interesting events.
The program delves deep into the latest digital trends: NFTs, Metaverse, Web3, DX, AI, digital twins, and ChatGPT in the ever-changing technological landscape.
Anthony Fauci is one of the most successful failures in government history - but the media doesn't want you to know that. Join Michael Knowles in this three-part series as he peels back the mask on Fauci's past, and exposes the world's leading "scientist" for what he really is: a fraud.
In this ten-episode series, iconic media figure and established entrepreneur Joelle Mardinian invites the world to see her life, completely unfiltered.
Our new TV program helps you learn about Japan and the Japanese language through simple and easy Japanese news. You will learn not only Japanese expressions but also the latest situation of Japan.