A comedy series that deals with the adventures of Danoun, a man in his sixties who faces embarrassing situations with his family, while Sanqur plans to take revenge on him in a framework full of humor and suspense.
Under one roof with her family, a widowed mother manipulates the lives of her children and their spouses, sparking conflicts over traditions and personal desires... All in the name of her suffocating love for them.
The grandfather (Bou Hilal) wakes up from a long coma and the family is happy, but he is shocked when he realizes that everything has changed around him with the development of the times, and the lives of his children and grandchildren have changed with it, so he imposes a state of emergency on everyone to save the family and preserve their national identity.
An ambitious young man tries to achieve his goals amidst life's various challenges, but his life is turned upside down when he discovers a magical thing that a sofa in his house does, through which he can travel to different times and worlds, where he has many exciting and interesting adventures.
The story of Raya and Sakina is told from a different perspective and in two different time periods, as they are cleared of all allegations that they kidnapped and killed women in order to steal their belongings, but were working in struggle with the national resistance against the British occupation in Egypt.
Three married friends are involved in a murder because they cheated on their wives and then try to clean up the aftermath in secret, but find themselves mired in misfortune and trying to find a way out.
In a framework of suspense and excitement, the series takes place within the Damascus Safi family, which rules the tobacco trade with an iron fist and sets strict rules against anyone who competes with them in the market, which ignites the fire of war when a strong competitor appears.
The story revolves around a family whose names all begin with the letter S. Many funny situations occur between them in their daily lives, as they try to solve their personal and common issues.
The series explores the behind-the-scenes world of the drama industry through the story of shifty producer Abdul Jabbar, production manager Hamid, who faces major professional and personal challenges, and actor Salah, who struggles to maintain his artistic principles.
Living under Ottoman rule, the series sheds light on the challenges and hardships they face, from a complex conflict between them and the occupiers in an eventful time period ranging from the 18th to the 19th century
The story deals with aspects of married life and relationships between newlywed couples, the issues that occur between them on a daily basis, and the roles of those around them in calming or fueling their conflicts
After her husband's death, Shaha takes it upon herself to raise and care for his daughters, Bazza and Fiddah, as she gets an income from selling herbs and interpreting dreams. Later, Maher plans to rob a jewelry store with his friends
Set in 1970s kuwait following a series of kidnappings, where the only trace left is a polaroid photograph of the victim left in the crime scene. A family drama following Fayez his wife Amani and their daughter Sarah, Fayez is a struggling actor, who is given a chance to become a star, as their lives seems to be on the right track their daughter is kidnapped. It becomes a game of cat and mouse, everyone becomes a suspect, even Fayez himself
The series takes place between the era of Jahiliyya and the beginning of the Umayyad caliphate, and presents the history of the Arab sword by documenting the most important stations that Arabs went through throughout the ages.
In a dramatic framework, the series deals with the story of an Iraqi family, in which the mother embodies the vanguard of a mother's struggles with the hardships of life and how she tries to continue her life with her children and bring them to safety.
The fifth installment takes place in 1969, with Aliwi's return from London, but he soon runs into a lot of trouble before he meets his mother, and the police start looking for him, as the series explores the different conditions and aspects of life in that period.
Set in a nursing home, the series revolves around a group of residents and their stories, and their coming together when an accident occurs inside the home.
The story revolves around an Iraqi intelligence officer who, along with a group of his colleagues, is tasked with infiltrating and joining the ISIS terrorist organization in order to expose their plans and thwart their attempts to take over Iraq and eliminate them, putting themselves in danger in order to do so.